Triping in South Korea

korea5It’s been over two weeks since our little visit to South Korea but I couldn’t miss out on giving you a peek at our time there. Altogether, I really, really enjoyed Korea after experiencing it’s rich culture! While I was there I felt like I was in a limbo between western and asian culture. We visited a Korean palace (above), shopped in an underground subway station, and ate a ton of delicious korean food mm mm! I think one of my most favorite parts was just walking around the city of Seoul. There were so many bursts of life here and there. All I have to say is that if you’ve never been to South Korea, you’re missing out!
korea7 korea4 korea3I got to meet up with these friends (below) the first day and they brought me to a fantastic fusion restaurant called School Food, yum yum! We also got to roam the underground subway for clothes. I absolutely loved spending time with them in their home country!
korea2 korea1

The Barn

I remember going down to my grandparent’s barn to clean out the horse’s stalls and although it was a dirty job I loved being around the horses and the country feeling. Everywhere you look is a story, from the Exxon sign to the hanging horse shoes. As the years have gone by the barn has grown older and dirtier but I will never grow tired of this beautiful place. I hope the memories of this place never fade away!

Thai Memories

In my room I have a piece of coral from Thailand, and yesterday I was looking at it, remembering the beach where I found it two years ago in Thailand.

As I look back on my high school years, our family vacations were some of the best days. Connecting Four was actually started on a family vacation in Malaysia (Our look book from the trip here).

I am so excited for my sisters to get back tomorrow and can’t wait for the fun times ahead–vacations are times to reconnect and invest in each other.

My piece of coral will serve a great decor accent in the new office.

In the tropics it rains a LOT, but the water droplets left behind are great inspiration.

Any fun memories from family vacations? Not-so-fun memories?

If you are in Koh Samui, Thailand, stay at Impiana. Quiet beach, rooms overlooking the water and great attendants.

This post is part of my Memories Collection-revisiting places where Connecting Four really connected and explored the world together. See my Guilin Memories post here. See my Tianjin Memories here.

Langkawi, Malaysia Lookbook is here!

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Check out this Lookbook of highlights on our recent trip to Malaysia during winter vacation!

Mama What’s Cookin’? “Tomato” Restaurant Edition

After five long and glorious weeks of winter break, free from school, teachers and exams, I’m now (as of today) back in a classroom. Goodbye to late night movies, Starbucks coffee outings and days where my to do list consists of <1. get dressed & brush hair 2. watch Adobe application tutorials 3. Take sisters out to dinner>. Today we started school in a brand new building and it was wonderful… well except for the fact that I had to leave my house 10 minutes earlier than usual to catch the bus (hey, 10 minutes is a lot when your talking getting ready in the morning), waiting in the frigid weather because Mom want’ed to make “certain” we didn’t miss the bus, and having my body temperature turn from freezing to boiling in a matter of precisely 2 minutes after loading the bus because of extreme overuse of bus heating capabilities. The day progressed more smoothly once I actually arrived at the new campus.

Anyway, on to what this post is actually supposed to be about:

During our winter vacation in Malaysia we adopted a small, beach side Indian/Malaysian restaurant as our very own. I don’t exactly know why but the restaurant was named, “Tomato” and its a small place nudged between two larger restaurants, although its easy to miss on a drive-by, we found that it was almost always packed with people inside. The prices were literally dirt cheap, the selection of dishes vast, and the various curries, rotti, and rices were delicious. Throughout our stay, we ate there at least four times, including once for a 2:00 am snack! The popular Malaysian drinks such as kopi (Malaysian coffee) or teh (like a milk tea) were spectacular not to mention the large variety of other drinks they provided. In remembrance of this cute restaurant, brighten your Monday by taking a friend to eat Indian food with you and talk of pleasant things!