Monster Movie Marathon


I’m dedicating this post to you because you inspired me to make this movie marathon weekend. I still remember coming home from a tiring day of school to the most adorable card with a sombrero and a sparkly piñata saying “Mexican Themed Weekend!”. Last week, while I was missing you, I was inspired to host a Monster’s Inc. Marathon for Maddie and Megan with “monster pretzels” and “monster tea”. To be honest, I was pretty proud of myself for pulling it off just like I imagined! Friday, when we got home from school, Mom and Dad had already left for their Valentines stay at the Astor hotel. So I whipped up the giant soft pretzels while we watched ‘The Road to Eldorado’ in the kitchen. While the pretzel dough was rising we ate a quick dinner of ramen and fried rice. After the whirlwind of baking the pretzels we carried our warm crispy pretzels and giant Arizona tea upstairs to watch ‘Emperor’s New Groove’ and ‘Monster’s University’.

To be honest, I have just watched too many serious romance and action films lately, so it was really refreshing to see some light-hearted Disney movies! I know you have been having a difficult week, but I would encourage you to take a break, and just like you suggested to me – give yourself the chance to relax. I would totally recommend one of the following movies: ‘Frozen’ (adorable like ‘Tangled’), ‘Emperor’s New Groove’ (the oldy), or ‘Monster’s University’ (if you want to laugh).

Our Monster Movie Marathon was not complete without you – we all miss you so much!
Thanks for teaching me how to be a better older sister!
xoxo, Jessie

Monster Tickets

From the Studio: Practice Makes Perfect

I haven’t forgotten all the important homework and practice you assigned me over the break. (It seems like its been such a long time since we chatted in Starbucks about cubes!) I’m sorry that I have not been as diligent as you in working on our first theme for our sketching goal, Moose, but at least I am improving my form! I’m excited to continue our little goal and I would like to suggest that we go with plants or shoes for our next theme, (something a bit more simple for the beginner ;).

I miss you so much already and I really appreciate the opportunity I had to call you before you left China while I was at the TCK Seminar. Let me know when you have time to chat!


Hello, Austin TX

Dear Rachel:
I’m missing you already, now that I am back in Tianjin; but I am thankful for the time we had in Austin visiting the University of Texas. Austin Texas is such a interesting city and it was fun experiencing it with you! I hope you enjoy these pictures as much I did!

This snake-cycle (the line of tricycles inside the snake’s ribcage definitely qualifies it to be a snake-cycle) parked in front of the Indian food cart was my favorite piece of decor in Austin.


Hello UT
I also really enjoyed visiting the University of Texas! Both the campus and the facilities were beautiful.

I would definitly gain the “Freshman 15” with all the amazing food around campus!

Design Studio-02
Plus, I think I can see myself working in the studio…

…or enjoying the beautiful pool!

I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me this special trip with you!
Miss you!

It Just Hit Me


Dear Rachel:
Today it hit me that next year I will be sleeping next to an empty bed – that when I wake up you won’t be in the kitchen making me a tea latte – that our tea parties will be short one very important person. I cannot imagine life here in China without you! I must admit that I did not fully prepare myself to say goodbye to you in China. Now that the reality is settling in, I don’t want to look at your baking drawer, or your bed, or your closet because they just remind me that next year you will not be here.

Rachel you have blessed me in so many ways. The Lord knew how much I would need an older sister – and He gave me the very best one! I know that you will be just as much a blessing in Carnegie Mellon; I envy all the new friends you make – that they will get an encouraging, pretty, cake-making, faith-filled friend like you!

Love You!

Rachel, We Miss You!


To my dearest sister who is in America on the search for colleges:
How’s the sweet smell of American air?!  We are so jealous of you  – Grrr… (Not to mention we are missing you like CRAZY!)  With Jessie studying for all the AP exams coming up, I’m so lonely over here. I do hope y0u are having fun though; enjoy every moment you have reuniting with friends and family! …. And Come back soon (*cough* with some goodies *cough*). We’re praying for you!

P.S. I hope you find that dream school you’re looking for (*fingers crossed*).

Photo Source

Autumn Fest 02 (Maddie)

With my newfound photo blog obsession, I was MORE than ready for day 2! I have a feeling Rachel knew that I would love completing this activity!

To me all the pictures above scream JESSIE. From the beautiful lace shirt, to the Twinings tea box, these photos totally encompass Jessie’s personality.

For example, the first picture, “there’s no other like you” reminds me of how confident Jessie is and how she’ll defend her ideals to the very end (no matter how strange :). This attribute urges me to stop doubting and start living OUT LOUD!  The photo of Iced Coffee comes from our Latte dates in our favorite Cafe & Bakery, Paris Baguette.  These five pictures only just begin to describe the sweet, positive, and encouraging sister Jessie is. Thanks for being unique. <3

As for Rachel’s 5 pictures, I had a hard time finding the right ones, but I finally picked a few that really impersonate her character in my eyes…

Rachel has always been the “calm” half of us and I really  appreciated that aspect of her. Though she doesn’t respond too well to my LOUD laughter and MASSIVE hugs, I know she will be there for me in other ways 🙂

The Anne of Green Gables shot above is one of my favorites, this movie never gets old for Rachel and I! While in the process of tumblr searching, I had this Starbucks image in the back of my mind… where would Rachel be without her Starbucks runs?! It amazes me how much time she can spend sitting in a Coffee shop; reading, working, or chatting 🙂 Rachel, you’ve always been able to encourage and love me when things are rough, your peaceful spirit is a true blessing in my life. I love you!


Autumn Fest 02 (Jessie)

<Before I begin… RACHEL, thank you for creating this amazing calendar for us! I cannot imagine enjoying this season without you! >

This particular day is especially fun for me because now-a-day I don’t get the luxury of browsing pictures online. I had so much fun finding these photos and collaging them into pinterest-like boards for you two!

1.  Maddie, this looks like a place where you would travel — I can imagine you (with a rich husband 😉 driving around Europe in this vintage, blue BMW Bug.
2. When I found this picture I instantly thought that these feathers, in a clip or headband, would look fabulous in your short hair!
3. I imagine this as the view from your future city penthouse — very elegant.
4.  This is definitely the Asian version of you!  I can totally see you biking through a city in this outfit!
5.  You may not be a big fan of cookies, but this cookie dough is so you; it completely encompasses your PINK style. I can imagine you making a whole bowl of this dough and eating “raw.”

1. I debated including this photo in the top 5 at first, but now I’m confident that this photo illustrates your style to the max 😉
2. This collection would not be complete without a picture of coffee! Alas – the good old days when we drank tea together are gone ~
3. This is your dream home – it has everything you desire for a country home: a white victorian-style house (with plenty of kitchen space I’m sure ;), lots of GREEN land, and horses!
4. This photo represents your love of Hong Kong and family vacations — How can we ever forget those late nights in Hong Kong sitting around chatting with HKwaffles and bubble tea in hand?
5. Your love of photography and Asian kids are combined in this photo – adorable!

Love you two (and this challenge)!


When introduced to henna in my Middle school art class, I fell in love with the intricate designs, earthy smells, and natural brown, auburn and chestnut colored dyes. With the help of a steady hand and a lot of practice, I took a real interest in tattooing Henna.  Though I have come a long way from where I started in Middle School, I still have a lot to learn about the art of henna and I am eager to take any chance I have to practice.  On our vacation in Malaysia I got just that; I had more than enough time to tattoo all my sisters and my mom!  The pictures below are of Rachel’s African inspired henna.

About Henna:
Henna is a plant whose leaves can be dried, mashed and mixed with citrus juice to make a dye.  Unlike ink tattoos, henna wears off in about a week and is actually very good for your skin.  Traditionally it was used mostly at weddings, to decorate the bride and groom in West Asia and the Middle East.