Four responses: What’s in my Bag | Jessie

In my creative bag, as I would like to call it, I have all the essentials. Most importantly, I have my macbook – crucial for any type of online creativeness, ie. blog, photo editing, graphic design. Next, my To Do List – a “must have” item to keep me on track. Then my sketch book, pencil case, and magazine folder – all self explanatory. Finally my inspiration book – like a mini sketch book, it holds all my little doodles and then provide inspiration when I’m having something like a “writers block”. Now stuff it all in my floral print Cath Kidston and I’m ready to go!

Check Out what’s in Maddie’s bag.

Four Response: What’s In My Bag | Maddie

Today was very unproductive for me… I basically watched movies/TV shows, ate, and used my mac. Even though I feel a bit guilty for not doing anything I wasn’t about to do work when I’m going to start school in 2 days. I’m taking advantage of any free time I’ve got before school :). Anyways I’m showing you today what’s in my bag when I’m feeling crafty or productive and I call it my Tool Box. Right now in my tool box are stickers for any time I just have to add some decoration to a drab paper, a blog scheduler (I have just started this scheduler because I decided it was a good idea to see what I have and will be posting over the weeks), a pencil case, my wallet and a finance pad for any outings, and for the two electronics my iTouch and OF COURSE my macbook (dear Mac, I don’t know what I’d do without you, I love you even though you’re slow!) Well that about sums up all the instruments used when it’s time to work. Hope you’ve enjoyed! Check out Michaels Response!

Four Responses: What’s in My Bag | Rachel

1. Believe it or not I do carry tea bags around in my bag… I’m obsessed with the hot beverage
2. Sweets are definitely my weakness, can’t leave the house without some kind of sweet morsel in my bag…
3. Lovely Vanilla Mint lip shine from Bath and Body Works/Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner
4. Lots of hair calls for lots of maintenance.
5. Music is a must
6. Desperate weather calls for desperate measures.
7. I can’t leave the house without my journal (I know so middle school girl right?), I like to carry a book with me as well just in case I find myself sitting somewhere bored out of my wits BUT its seldom that I actually pull it out to read (guilty feelings)
8. MUJI pens and pencil case- a definite must!


Check out Jessie’s response here!