Late Night Snack

Let’s face it, it is intrinsic to have late night cravings. Unfortunately for me it is a terrible sweet tooth – which often lands me in the dentists office – but that’s beside the point. My late night snack tonight is 1/2 blonde and 1/2 brownie! Such contrast – such sweet balance – they were made for each other! Just like yin and yang. Ok, maybe I’m over dramatizing this, but I was thrilled to find that my mom had made a pan of blondes when I came home from school today. I waited until Mom and Dad were safely tucked in bed, then I sneaked to the kitchen to get this amazing snack!

Want a S’more?

This week me and the girls decided to have a midnight snack of S’mores over our gas stove!  (Don’t worry I googled whether that was safe or not and I got a thumbs up:) So we popped open the bag of marshmallows and roasted away… We made the most delicious creation of S’mores! I’m sure to have another one …or two… or three very soon! Have you had any yummy midnight snacks lately?