Porch Camping

You know, perhaps best, that Tianjin has yet to offer the autumn festivities we were accustomed too in America. It requires a lot of effort to get in the mood, but I was certainly bot going to waste the season! I decided to invite Maddie and Megan to a small camp out on the porch. We awkwardly gathered some sticks from around the neighborhood (along with some stares). On our little red grill we built a fire that barely lasted long enough to roast a few s’mores. It was so fun though; we had our indie rock music going and a pile of pillows to lounge on. Everything was there but you! We all miss you so much!

Love Jessie


A Morning Visit to Megan’s Class

Megan arrives at school and takes a quick picture on the playground.


After arriving she removes her outdoor shoes and puts on Crocs.


Next she finds her coat and backpack hook, and puts them away.


After entering her classroom she puts her lunch in the basket and chooses her name stick in the “home lunch” or “school lunch” cup.


Last she puts her name apple on the tree to show that she is here.


Now she’s ready for some free play of puzzles, books, or games until class starts. Today her class lead the school chapel, by singing “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do, for YOU!”


Megan’s class project

Megan’s class is learning about recycling.  We were asked to donate any type of recyclable items, such as plastic bottles, kleenex boxes, tp rolls, etc.  Megan proudly brought a large bag full of items to donate.  The following week they transformed their “junk” into fun sculptures, pretend animals, etc.  Megan came home with a dog named “Cricket”.   Although we’ve been away from our beloved little dog, Cricket for almost 2 years now, Megan still remembers him fondly.


Sailing the Seas

Last weekend Sean came grocery shopping with me to E-Mart, and Jessie was in charge of watching Megan at home for me.  I had a nice shopping trip with Sean (we got lots of time to visit, while we waited in the long check-out lines of Chinese people stocking up for the Chun Jie holiday which is fast approaching).I came home to find that Jessie had turned two chairs, a paper plate, and a blanket into a sailing ship.   She even made a telescope for Megan out of an empty paper-towel roll.    I’m so thankful for my creative kids!


Megan’s Craft

Today I found some Noah’s ark animal stickers hidden away in a drawer. I sat down with Megan and sketched out an ark and some flower stems. She very meticulously placed all her stickers on the page to decorate the ark (with a liitle help from mom). Anyway, here the finished product.
