Missing Summer and Family


The school year is nearing at an uncontrollably swift pace, and in looking forward I also look back at the memories I shard during the summer of 2013. This particular day, in Dallas TX, was one of my favorites because I had the privilege of spending an entire day snuggling my baby cousins.


The day started with a batch of caramelized french toast made by yours truly, and ended with a sunset as I held a little, sleeping girl in my arms. Everywhere in between, I enjoyed time on the lake’s shore, taking photos, cooking out, and playing with the dog, Snorts (as we have nicknamed her).








I’ve been so blessed with family who love and care for me, I will treasure this day for a long while to come.

Maple Anniversary Cake


I made this two-tier cake for my grandparents’ 50th anniversary last week. I was going for a woodsy theme as we were spending the weekend in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Maple is a favorite with Gramps hence the frosting is a silky, rich & earthy, maple buttercream.

Before leaving my Grandparents’ house for the Hills, I made both an 8-inch and 6-inch vanilla cake for the special occasion. Working all day before we were to leave, I finished the cake’s most important components, leaving just the assembly to be completed at the cabin.

Simply put, this anniversary cake is compromised of rich vanilla cake, maple buttercream filling and frosting, and candied pecans sprinkled between each layer and atop. It was a huge hit. We enjoyed this cake together while watching slides of different events and snapshots of Gramps and Grams’ married life (including Gramps’ time serving in Vietnam)



The Barn

I remember going down to my grandparent’s barn to clean out the horse’s stalls and although it was a dirty job I loved being around the horses and the country feeling. Everywhere you look is a story, from the Exxon sign to the hanging horse shoes. As the years have gone by the barn has grown older and dirtier but I will never grow tired of this beautiful place. I hope the memories of this place never fade away!

Six Piece Style Collection

Reporting from Texas here: I am having a hard time believing that I’m actually back in America again after two years! When I returned I discovered that my grandmother had her cave-of-a-laundry-room transformed into a delightfully styled one! I was so inspired with the style and all the individual pieces that I just had to share some of the pictures!

1. A adorable Spoon Fork painting that my grandmother found at a antique market (antique markets have some serious hidden treasures!)
2. A framed vintage paper doll – one of five framed in her laundry room. Love it!
3. A little wooden desk with a slide up cover
4. (Just had to take a picture of this) Uniquely shaped wooden light switch cover (none of that cheapy plastic stuff!)
5. A little straw hat that was hiding behind the door
6. Old wicker basket