Missing Summer and Family


The school year is nearing at an uncontrollably swift pace, and in looking forward I also look back at the memories I shard during the summer of 2013. This particular day, in Dallas TX, was one of my favorites because I had the privilege of spending an entire day snuggling my baby cousins.


The day started with a batch of caramelized french toast made by yours truly, and ended with a sunset as I held a little, sleeping girl in my arms. Everywhere in between, I enjoyed time on the lake’s shore, taking photos, cooking out, and playing with the dog, Snorts (as we have nicknamed her).








I’ve been so blessed with family who love and care for me, I will treasure this day for a long while to come.

On Site: Old Town Alexandria

Michael, Jessie, Maddie-

Today Christine and I headed over to Old Town for the afternoon. We had such a nice time together. I will try to let the photos speak for themselves.


Making my mark at the Torpedo factory-transformed into an art center- in Old Town.

Fully satisfied my ice cream craving at this vintage ice cream parlor.

menu rachel
readingr Temporarily occupying the local Anthropology while sleeping on their beyond comfortable beds and reading Kinfolk magazines.

Enjoyed this street performer while walking. He played the Star Wars theme song which reminded me of you, Jessie!

Oh, and since I arrived in DC, I’ve been to the grocery store twice! If only we could transfer one to China, baking would get SO much better.

Trip to HK

I’m in HongKong for the weekend! Leaving China next year for University, I wanted to make some long-lasting memories in my favorite city of all timenot to mention I get to spend 4 whole days with my best friend.

My first night in HK was spent helping Michael finish his semester at Hong Kong University. His final architecture portfolio was due Thursday at noon- unfortunately it took an all-nighter to complete the project >.< we tried in vain to beat the rising sun and get into bed before dawn.

It was so worth it though. Michael’s portfolio is excellent, I’m so proud of him!


Mickey cleaning out his studio spot, finally finished!

I made him a “home-cooked” brunch of bread, cheese, avocado and black coffee after we handed in his portfolio.

To rest up a bit, we napped and watched BBC’s Life nature documentaries. Later last night we walked around HK, ate Malaysian curry and Kaya-butter-toast for dinner, and visited a world-traveling, gigantic Ducky.








Enjoy Friendship. Enjoy the Season.

We are preparing to embark on an Autumn adventure filled with festivities, fellowship, and happy memories.

How it began…
I was incredibly blessed this year to take an extended amount of vacation time from fixed responsibilities and accustomed busyness. You see, I decided to stay in China for one more year to seek direction in my life. This year’s blessing has been two-fold; not only do I have the opportunity to discover my dreams for the future, but I’ve been given the chance to create lasting memories with my sisters before I leave home. I’m determined to take full advantage of this.

So, I created a 20 day challenge for us to complete during the month of November. Everyday there is a different activity which we will complete together, both to enjoy the holiday season, and each other. As we make our way through this Fall bucket list, I will be posting about our adventures. 

But the story doesn’t stop here. The purpose of the Autumn challenge isn’t just for connecting4, it’s for you to enjoy the precious relationships in your life as well. My hope is that you would ask a couple of friends to join you in making the most of this season together. Gather great ideas for fall spirit below and make tons of awesome memories!

[issuu width=420 height=272 embedBackground=%23000000 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=121110161705-11d1d585a1bb415b9a49b1ffea809261 name=autumn_challenge username=connectfour tag=autumn unit=px v=2]

Tall Buildings

I did it! I actually created my very own Tumblr photo blog and to be completely honest I think it’s pretty successful so far…

When I first had the idea to create an account on Tumblr I thought of the name Tall Buildings because of all the tall structures around me in 天津 (TianJin). The more I discover the vast world of photo blogging, the more I realize that searching for inspirational photos will never get old for me!

I’ve always had trouble not knowing exactly what to spend my free time on (hobby-wise). You see, Rachel bakes, Jessie is obsessed with Adobe Illustrator, Michael is artistically gifted in everything but I never had anything in particular that I enjoyed. Yet, now I’m pretty sure I’ve found my passion in photography, and not only just taking pictures but sharing them as well! The inspiration you can find in photoblogging is incredible, from old timey photos to vibrant modern ones, the flow of inspiration never ends!

Spring Break Playlist

With Spring Break arriving soon I decided to make myself a playlist that I can listen to during my week of relaxation. I’ve found that it is so nice to have a few songs ready to listen to when you’re doing work or just to break the silence! These songs may not have much correlation – they are just a few different tunes that I have come to enjoy recently.

P.S. This Playlist will need a Flash Player to be played so if you have any problems just go here.
Spring Break Playlist by Connecting Four on Grooveshark