I’m a foreigner feeling especially foreign today; oblivious to all the excitement. Today in Beijing (about two hours drive from here) China is putting on a Grand Military Parade, probably its biggest in modern times. Our neighbors have been following it all on TV, just like we Americans follow the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.But our family has scarcely left Apt-801 even thought the weather was extraordinary sunny and clear. After an all-hands effort cleaning bathrooms, folding laundry, and re-arraning the living room, we settled down to some games (Taboo, Apples-to-Apples, and Risk). For an early dinner, we ordered pizza.I like that our teenagers are not bored hanging out here. (Nothing like my teen years.) They even played hospital for a while, very comical with much laughing and later setup Megan’s play table with snacks and watched three episodes of Little House on the Prarie! [unbelieveable… and don’t tell them I put this on my blog!!]
Tag Archives: family
USA and China
I found this picture of Megan and her friend Lily. It made me think of how I want our family to be towards our Chinese neighbors. I love it. [Taken in April — Yangshuo, China]
USA and China
Michael & Rachel leave home, heading west…
This morning, I hugged each and said my last goodbye as they headed down the hall to their respective classrooms with snacks and suitcases in tow.After checking-in with teachers, the 10th graders (Michael) will catch an overnight sleeper train to Guangxi Province — while the 9th graders (Rachel) go to Beijing’s airport to catch a flight to Kunming (Yunnan Province).I can’t wait to hear about their adventure, and about Michael’s 20+ hour train ride with thirty classmates!
My 42nd Birthday
Since our arrival in China I have been hearing about these awesome, inexpensive foot massages ($7.00 for a one hour massage)! So I decided for my birthday to invite the kids to go with me for my very first foot massage. The largest room they had could only accommodate five people, so Susan watched and Megan charmed the Chinese workers.
Megan munching on a pineapple snack provided with the massage.
After the massage we walked upstairs in the same shopping area to eat at our favorite Indian food restaurant.
No birthday is complete without cake and candles. Susan and Megan made dad’s recipe for my favorite maple butter cake.
This is one of Michael’s snapshots of Megan. You should check out his Flickr Photostream.