Sunday Frittata

Since our church service ends around 9:45 each Sunday morning the family is regularly placed in a dilemma about what we should eat. Should we go home? Should we try and find an open restaurant? It’s always a battle to decide where we are going to eat. Well, finally we’ve put an end to the back-and-forth and decided from now on we’ll go home to make a late breakfast. I can’t believe that the plan has actually worked so far! Both Sunday’s since we started, I’ve made a Breakfast Frittata. I had heard the name tossed around but I never really knew what the dish was (or looked like) before I started watching Master Chef! After seeing all the delicious frittata’s being made on the show I decided I’d try my hand at making this delectable breakfast food. The  recipe basically consists of Sauteing your vegetables (spinach, onions, ham, bacon, potatoes, etc.), adding your egg mixture, cooking it on the stove for a while, then putting it in the oven for about 15 minutes. It’s super easy, and quite delicious if I do say so myself! I’ll definitely be keeping you guys updated on my other breakfast experiments each week! Any good breakfast recipes?

Called Me Higher

Lately I have wrestled with a perception of how ambition and motivation play a role in my life. It may be the fact that New Year’s goals are still resonating in my mind, or it could stem from my life here at CMU among passionate, high-achieving students. Whatever it may be, this song by “All Sons and Daughters” is such a clear representation of  how I feel. It is both unsettling and humbling to assess the ways that I have fallen short in this area. How many times have I “settled” for completion instead of striving for excellence? Too many to count.

All of this reminds me of swim team in Kansas City. I remember Grant urging us to shoot for our “best” effort in everything that we put our hands to (whether that be surging through water, academic learning, etc.).  I truly hope this song encourages you, also, to strive for *excellence in the pursuits that are present in your own lives.

Tumblr Finds #3

Hey Rachel,

I’ve finally started to notice how few people are in the house these days. I have to admit, it’s a challenge trying to figure out how to live in a house with only five people, conversations are shorter, Decisions are harder to make, and life is a lot quieter! I can’t even begin imagine how my life will be after Jessie leaves for College. Everything is changing way too fast. I feel so excited for you though as you discover your new life in Pittsburgh. I’m constantly praying for you and your time there. I love you so very much!

Tumblrfinds3I know how much you enjoy looking at Tumblr blogs so I decided I’d make this Tumblr Finds for you!  I think this blog is in need of a little inspiration, don’t you?

Sources {one, two, three, four, five)

Summer in Review

It’s been an amazing, fun, whirlwind of a summer and I cannot even begin to describe how much I’m missing all my dear friends, family, and most of all my big sissy, Rachel. It’s so hard having to leave everything & everyone knowing that it’ll be a whole year before I’ll see them again. However, I know the memories I make each summer will stick with me for a lifetime.
I’ll always cherish the many golf cart rides I had with my cousin Grace. And, I’ll never forget the drive in movie I watched with my South Dakota cousins, Bethany and Christian. haha and I definitely won’t forget the consequences of losing a race down to the lake at my Grandma’s house; a soaking pair of clothes and wet hair!

Life will constantly present us with complicated and difficult situations but I think during these situations the most important thing to remember is that God has a plan. He knows why, how, and when everything will be sorted out. I guess what I’m saying is, Leave it up to God, He’ll take care of it all.


Are You a Digital Citizen?

Rachel: Here is my very first infographic flowchart! Dad wanted some posters for his classroom and asked me to make one about being a “Digital Citizen”. Originally, I planned to find a good one online and tweak it a bit to fit our purposes, but I ended making one completely from scratch. I am really pleased with how it turned out!

So, are you a Digital Citizen?

Digital Citizen

Side Walk Chalking

Yes, it may seem childish, but side walk chalk is nothing less than fun. While I was sitting on my grandparents porch this summer, I thought to myself it would be fun to create some colorful art on the sidewalk. After I finished my creation and showed it to the others, then almost everyone began coloring away.
Jessie decided to draw a bright hot air balloon, inspired by one that had flown over our heads just minutes before. Rachel drew a chalky sunset like the one we had been enjoying every night for the past few days. I, on the other hand, was less creative and stuck with the word love. In the end the pavement leading up to my grandparents house was, to put it simply, very very colorful.

It Just Hit Me


Dear Rachel:
Today it hit me that next year I will be sleeping next to an empty bed – that when I wake up you won’t be in the kitchen making me a tea latte – that our tea parties will be short one very important person. I cannot imagine life here in China without you! I must admit that I did not fully prepare myself to say goodbye to you in China. Now that the reality is settling in, I don’t want to look at your baking drawer, or your bed, or your closet because they just remind me that next year you will not be here.

Rachel you have blessed me in so many ways. The Lord knew how much I would need an older sister – and He gave me the very best one! I know that you will be just as much a blessing in Carnegie Mellon; I envy all the new friends you make – that they will get an encouraging, pretty, cake-making, faith-filled friend like you!

Love You!

Dirty, Dirty Blog Office


A week has passed since the hectic consecutive three week birthday celebrations (Megan’s birthday on March 31, and a week later my birthday on April 6th, then a week later Jessie’s birthday).  Let me tell you, decorations, cake, and presents  three weeks in a row has left us tired, fat and broke!  I’m so very thankful though for Rachel and the Blog Office who were partners in crime (more like partners in success) while planning and preparing for all these birthdays – I ♥ you, Rachel!

All this partying has left a lot of clean up in their wake though! While cleaning up and organising the blog office I was inspired (yes, inspired by cleaning). How could I not be inspired by, what looked like, an explosion of ribbons, paper, glitter, and streamers surrounding me?!  Tidying up was actually a lot of fun, and I’d do again any day. I think we can all agree that reorganising and tidying may be hard business, but it is so refreshing and exciting to step back and see the finished project!



P.S. Stay tuned for birthday party posts!

Rachel, We Miss You!


To my dearest sister who is in America on the search for colleges:
How’s the sweet smell of American air?!  We are so jealous of you  – Grrr… (Not to mention we are missing you like CRAZY!)  With Jessie studying for all the AP exams coming up, I’m so lonely over here. I do hope y0u are having fun though; enjoy every moment you have reuniting with friends and family! …. And Come back soon (*cough* with some goodies *cough*). We’re praying for you!

P.S. I hope you find that dream school you’re looking for (*fingers crossed*).

Photo Source