Finals Week

The dreaded week of final exams has begun. Final Exams week is almost here and I’m sure everyone will agree that the weekend before the “battle” is always the worst. I woke up somewhat late this Saturday morning and started studying. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that I only have to get past these 4 days of torture and then I’ll be on my way to America! Family, good food, green grass, outdoor swimming pools… the list is endless! There are no words to express just how excited I am to see my relatives as well.  But for now, I better stop thinking about that and start focusing on school work… Wish me luck on my finals!

Sources: From Ignant

As of Late…

Thought I would share a bit about what’s happening in my life this week…

– Celebrating Jessie’s “sweet 16th”  Birthday was spactacular  (view the post about it here!)

– Deciding what to do about my habit of watching TV/a movie every night… uh oh

– Just started “stumbling” on Stumble Upon – its an awesome way to discover new blogs like this, this, and this one!

– No school on Friday! I’m planning on spending my day making smoothies, taking walks, and chatting with friends.

– Inspired by this video.

– Can’t stop thinking about our trip home (to America) this summer to visit friends and family! The first thing I want to eat when I get there is Chili’s Buffalo Wings (YUM!)

– Thankful that my relatives send packages full of Easter goodies every year! I love you guys <3

– Random Question: Right now would you rather be on a beach sun bathing or in a mall shopping?