Bucket Listing


My last week in Tianjin has come. In just 6 days I will be moving back to the States to begin school at Carnegie Mellon University. After five years here, I can hardly believe that China will no longer be my home.

I will miss it more than I can say.

In the meantime, Michael and Jessie are helping to fill my last days with unforgettable memories. Earlier this week we made a long list of various activities that I want to complete before flying out next week.
The first one to be checked off the list was a trip to Tianjin’s “City Center.” Some of my favorite eating and shopping areas are downtown so late Wednesday afternoon we buseed there.



What a lovely outing! Churros and bubble tea-珍珠奶茶-were the first stops we made upon arrival. We then walked around for a while before settling into a quiet Starbucks for a couple of hours spent chatting, planning for the future, etc.


Our last stop was at a Japanese store called Muji, where I stocked up on pens for the next year! Michael was able to snap a few photos of Jessie and I enjoying the Muji “furniture displays” before a shop-keeper gave us some unhappy stares, after which we quickly made our way out.



From the Studio: Visual Communications

Finishing up the semester, I had this one last project in my Visual Communications class. I was inspired by the Mars One project, a nonprofit that
is aiming to start a colony on Mars in the year 2023.

This is an interesting situation, working with architecture in a low-gravity environment, and also making an infrastructure that utilizes the resources on Mars to then facilitate human inhabitance.

Aqueduct Diagram

Terrace Diagram

Hive Diagram

These three parts of the infrastructure will, in a combined effort, be able to allow people to live on the Red Planet.

Below are some renderings and visual representations of how this might work.

Site Strategy





Expansion Plan

Trip to HK

I’m in HongKong for the weekend! Leaving China next year for University, I wanted to make some long-lasting memories in my favorite city of all timenot to mention I get to spend 4 whole days with my best friend.

My first night in HK was spent helping Michael finish his semester at Hong Kong University. His final architecture portfolio was due Thursday at noon- unfortunately it took an all-nighter to complete the project >.< we tried in vain to beat the rising sun and get into bed before dawn.

It was so worth it though. Michael’s portfolio is excellent, I’m so proud of him!


Mickey cleaning out his studio spot, finally finished!

I made him a “home-cooked” brunch of bread, cheese, avocado and black coffee after we handed in his portfolio.

To rest up a bit, we napped and watched BBC’s Life nature documentaries. Later last night we walked around HK, ate Malaysian curry and Kaya-butter-toast for dinner, and visited a world-traveling, gigantic Ducky.








“A Few of my Favorite Things”

At our house, Birthdays are filled to the brim with special treats, family time, and unique celebrations. It is a day to stop and  enjoy everything and everyone that you love.

The theme that Rachel and Maddie chose for my birthday this year was ‘Favorite Things’ (originally from the song “These are a Few of my Favorite Things” in Sound of Music). They set up such an elegant and whimsical day for me, I was quite overwhelmed by it all.

I enjoyed biscuits & eggs for my birthday breakfast (the perfect way to start any day). Then, while Rachel began baking cake, I hurried on to a soccer tournament, where I lost my voice cheering for my friends.


On returning home, my sisters surprised me by sweeping me away to the Astor, one of Tianjin’s most historic hotels, for high tea. A whole picnic of delicious snacks had been prepared to accompany our tea: cookie pops, cream-cheese tortilla roll-ups, decadent chocolate and nut mixes, meringue cookies, and maple blondies. They knew that one of my favorite things is tea time (and the snacks that accompany it)- so they were sure to provide me with plenty throughout the day.







Rachel baked a chocolate layer cake filled with Biscoff buttercream for me 🙂



Mother’s Day


Dad is out of town for two weeks, and with Michael still in HK finishing up his semester, its just girls for a while…


Being Mother’s Day yesterday, we had real reason to celebrate as we have a truly wonderful Mother. So, after a relaxing post-church rest time, we all went out for a late Sunday lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. Everyone is usually so busy with school/work, that we never have the opportunity to spend an entire day simply being. As a result, days like these are rare and precious.


Arriving back home, we immediately piled onto the sofas and quieted down for an afternoon movie. During intermission, I served this coconut cake, tea, and coffee to everyone.


(roasted artichoke and red onion pizza)




(on my list of beverages to make in the NEAR future: Italian lemonade- there were hints of basil amidst the citrus sweetness)


New Beginnings

Michael, throughout my visit to Carnegie Mellon University, I thought of you often. Being the first member of Connecting4 to step out into the world of study and responsibility, your experience at HKU is naturally the image that represents “college” for me. Hence, when I spent time in the US this past week observing current students, eating meals at college canteens & cafes, and discovering each university’s unique academic approach, I subconsciously compared everything I saw to Hong Kong University.

It surprised me when, on several occasions this week, I expressed my disappointment over not being able to attend school with you in HongKong. You see, earlier when I decided against HK for college, it didn’t immediately hit me how many hopes of mine were concentrated there. I don’t really know how to explain it, I guess I just didn’t realize how much I had been looking forward to spending my university experience with you by my side.


Now that I am examining all of these new options in America, I am distressed at the prospect of giving up my dreams and aspirations centered around HK.

This whole process is so new to me, I keep unearthing buried emotions which I didn’t know existed, let alone would affecte me so dramatically!

I want, more than ever, to visit you.

I miss you.


<year one architecture students working on a group project to create a variety of wooden structures>


<year one design students’ work: a project used to encourage recycling>


<ceiling of Carnegie Mellon’s Fine Arts department>


Getting Some Perspective

To my fun loving sister, Maddie: I have really enjoyed the past few days that we have spent together. Ice cream, rockin’ music, the Revolution TV series, house keeping… the list of activities we shared this past week goes on and on. I love how you bring so much freedom and excitement into what we do together (even our failures at home-making have been fun!).

I want to share two desktop wallpapers with you that I made. These wallpapers remind me of this stylish, sweet, energetic girl who would totally have these on her tumblr blog, Tall Buildings. Hope you enjoy them! Love you, Maddie!


Screen Shot 2013-04-22 at 9.40.39 PM

Download the wallpaper size here: Widen Your Gaze, Escape the Beaten Path


With the end of school coming up, there is so much to be done: finals to study for, friends to say goodbye to, and the summer to prepare for!  Also, with Rachel getting ready to head off to college so much is on my mind (I don’t want you to go, Rachel!). I’m sure Michael would also agree things are getting crazy. Right Now he is finishing up his final project before the end of school in about three weeks. In all this craziness, weekends are so precious; they provide so much rest refuge from life. All that to say it’s no surprise that I am so not ready for school tomorrow! Fingers-crossed that this week will go by fast!

Dirty, Dirty Blog Office


A week has passed since the hectic consecutive three week birthday celebrations (Megan’s birthday on March 31, and a week later my birthday on April 6th, then a week later Jessie’s birthday).  Let me tell you, decorations, cake, and presents  three weeks in a row has left us tired, fat and broke!  I’m so very thankful though for Rachel and the Blog Office who were partners in crime (more like partners in success) while planning and preparing for all these birthdays – I ♥ you, Rachel!

All this partying has left a lot of clean up in their wake though! While cleaning up and organising the blog office I was inspired (yes, inspired by cleaning). How could I not be inspired by, what looked like, an explosion of ribbons, paper, glitter, and streamers surrounding me?!  Tidying up was actually a lot of fun, and I’d do again any day. I think we can all agree that reorganising and tidying may be hard business, but it is so refreshing and exciting to step back and see the finished project!



P.S. Stay tuned for birthday party posts!

Rachel, We Miss You!


To my dearest sister who is in America on the search for colleges:
How’s the sweet smell of American air?!  We are so jealous of you  – Grrr… (Not to mention we are missing you like CRAZY!)  With Jessie studying for all the AP exams coming up, I’m so lonely over here. I do hope y0u are having fun though; enjoy every moment you have reuniting with friends and family! …. And Come back soon (*cough* with some goodies *cough*). We’re praying for you!

P.S. I hope you find that dream school you’re looking for (*fingers crossed*).

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