Merry Christmas!

Just stopping by to wish all of you a very merry christmas! Life has been hectic having to finish up this semester of school and go christmas shopping but somehow I think everything worked out perfectly. No matter how much stress comes with the christmas season I still love it anyway!

merry merry

I hope all you guys’ christmas day turn out great.

Rachel Meets up with TIS Alumni

Over Christmas break a few of Rachel’s friends returned to spend the holidays with their families.  Rachel had a chance to meet up with some of them at the coffee shop in our school.  It was a great opportunity for her to gather more information about college life and changes ahead. 

Megan Class Party

Rachel and I helped Megan’s 1st grade teacher with their class Christmas party.  Rachel made all the cookies and frosting, then together we helped each group of children decorate them.  Meanwhile other groups of students heard the story, “The Legend of the Candy Cane” and others made Christmas cards.  Megan’s teacher was very brave to have twenty-two 1st grade children all at her apartment!


Preparing for Thanksgiving

This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving a couple days late because Jessie was in Singapore on Thursday attending a Model United Nations (MUN) conference.  We simply could not celebrate Thanksgiving without her so while everyone else is getting out their christmas trees and listening to favorite, holiday music, we are still seasoning our Turkey. Although I’m not crazy about cooking I enjoy being around the bustle and hustle of meal preparations. I love the ambiance created when the fragrance of baking pumpkin pie drifts through the house, when Rachel and Mom tie their aprons to begin our feast, and when Megan and I can snuggle up with pumpkin lattes to watch a movie. What would Thanksgiving be without these?

Stuffing, devilled Eggs, and roasted turkey only comes once a year and I am determined to enjoy every bit of it!

From the Studio: Architecture Analysis

It has been an interesting semester thus far in my second year of architecture. We are working on Architectural Urbanism, exploring how architecture effects the city, and how a single building can change a certain site.

Our first step was to analyse the site-Monkok, a highly dense area in Kowloon that hosts a range of programs like street markets, book stores, live-work lofts, illegal structures, and big box malls.

The analysis of tenement housing in the site led us to the discovery of the eventual reclamation of the whole area.

I am excited about the next step of design and finding interventions that will change the city’s fabric.

Here is the full analysis with textual description and other drawings:

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Autumn Fest 03

Activity for day three: “Share thanks with each other!”

Rachel: Over the past couple of weeks I have received much encouragement and motivation from friends and family- I am so grateful for the people who daily impact my life!

Maddie: Today I’m so very thankful for my little sister, Megan. I could not due without her warm cuddles, sweet laughter, and cheerful spirit 🙂

Jessie: I am so thankful for God’s gift of smiles each day; whether it be from friends, family, or a little Chinese girl heading to school – smiles bring joy to my day!

Pumpkin Octopus Bread

I made this bread for breakfast Saturday morning to begin our Autumn Bucket List with a BANG. However, If you ask my family, they’d say this delicious concoction wasn’t a true breakfast (seeing that the bread came out of the oven at around noon), but seriously, what is that?! In my book  breakfast can last all day on a Saturday.

For the past year I admit I’ve been a play-it-safe kind of baker. I follow my recipe to the ‘T’ like an obedient little cook, and on the off chance that I am forced to alter a recipe (most likely due to the lack of ingredients), I worry myself sick thinking that the outcome will turn out disastrous. Well guess what?! I actually changed this recipe. On purpose. You see, I didn’t want “cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread” I wanted “pumpkin spice cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread…”

~I added a bit of pumpkin puree here, more flour there, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg and voila, what I like to call “Pumpkin Octopus Bread” appeared on the counter. And do you know which family member liked it the best? Dad. Unexpected for sure. Dad hates cinnamon and isn’t keen on pumpkin either. Surprises never cease in this family.

One image came to my mind as I sat staring at this loaf of pumpkin bread baking in the oven; Jessie’s “Squid 2-Go” drawing. You may remember the beginning stages of this pieces here. I love the finished product and I am so proud of Jessie’s hard work and determination.

Can’t you see it? squid tentacles reaching out of the depths vs. swelling layers of pumpkin bread extending from a loaf pan? Maybe not.

Here’s a closer look… if not identical, there is definitely a resemblance!

Anyways, enough with the squids. The pumpkin cinnamonrollish bread was bliss and I highly recommend this treat for a chilly autumn morning/afternoon 🙂 I hope you get the chance to enjoy this festive season with friends this week.

Oh, and Jessie, I know octopuses & squids are sort of, not really different, but pumpkin “octopus” bread sounds so much better than pumpkin “squid” bread.

Autumn Fest 02 (Maddie)

With my newfound photo blog obsession, I was MORE than ready for day 2! I have a feeling Rachel knew that I would love completing this activity!

To me all the pictures above scream JESSIE. From the beautiful lace shirt, to the Twinings tea box, these photos totally encompass Jessie’s personality.

For example, the first picture, “there’s no other like you” reminds me of how confident Jessie is and how she’ll defend her ideals to the very end (no matter how strange :). This attribute urges me to stop doubting and start living OUT LOUD!  The photo of Iced Coffee comes from our Latte dates in our favorite Cafe & Bakery, Paris Baguette.  These five pictures only just begin to describe the sweet, positive, and encouraging sister Jessie is. Thanks for being unique. <3

As for Rachel’s 5 pictures, I had a hard time finding the right ones, but I finally picked a few that really impersonate her character in my eyes…

Rachel has always been the “calm” half of us and I really  appreciated that aspect of her. Though she doesn’t respond too well to my LOUD laughter and MASSIVE hugs, I know she will be there for me in other ways 🙂

The Anne of Green Gables shot above is one of my favorites, this movie never gets old for Rachel and I! While in the process of tumblr searching, I had this Starbucks image in the back of my mind… where would Rachel be without her Starbucks runs?! It amazes me how much time she can spend sitting in a Coffee shop; reading, working, or chatting 🙂 Rachel, you’ve always been able to encourage and love me when things are rough, your peaceful spirit is a true blessing in my life. I love you!


Autumn Fest 02 (Jessie)

<Before I begin… RACHEL, thank you for creating this amazing calendar for us! I cannot imagine enjoying this season without you! >

This particular day is especially fun for me because now-a-day I don’t get the luxury of browsing pictures online. I had so much fun finding these photos and collaging them into pinterest-like boards for you two!

1.  Maddie, this looks like a place where you would travel — I can imagine you (with a rich husband 😉 driving around Europe in this vintage, blue BMW Bug.
2. When I found this picture I instantly thought that these feathers, in a clip or headband, would look fabulous in your short hair!
3. I imagine this as the view from your future city penthouse — very elegant.
4.  This is definitely the Asian version of you!  I can totally see you biking through a city in this outfit!
5.  You may not be a big fan of cookies, but this cookie dough is so you; it completely encompasses your PINK style. I can imagine you making a whole bowl of this dough and eating “raw.”

1. I debated including this photo in the top 5 at first, but now I’m confident that this photo illustrates your style to the max 😉
2. This collection would not be complete without a picture of coffee! Alas – the good old days when we drank tea together are gone ~
3. This is your dream home – it has everything you desire for a country home: a white victorian-style house (with plenty of kitchen space I’m sure ;), lots of GREEN land, and horses!
4. This photo represents your love of Hong Kong and family vacations — How can we ever forget those late nights in Hong Kong sitting around chatting with HKwaffles and bubble tea in hand?
5. Your love of photography and Asian kids are combined in this photo – adorable!

Love you two (and this challenge)!

Autumn Fest 02 (Rachel)

Activity for Day Two: “each person must find five photos which remind them of the other [in my case 2] group members.”

What an amazing way to illustrate (literally!) how I view my sisters. At first it seems obvious… of course they know how I see them- we’ve slept in the same room for how many years now? But its not always that simple. Sometimes the way we view ourselves is much different than the way others see us from the outside.

That’s what made this activity so interesting.

I searched around several hours trying in vain not to get distracted  for a while on tumblr blogs until I pinned down just “five” pictures that impersonated Jessie and Maddie in my mind.

Maddie, you were so much more difficult to find pictures for than I expected! In the end I chose photos that I was positive you’d like (sorry no risks there). Believe it or not, you are a mystery to me. For example, when I think you’ll love what I bake, you end up politely eating a few bites before handing it off to Megan. When I’m positive that you’ll absolutely hate a dessert, you love it! Seriously, what’s up with that?!

Though there are some aspects of your person that baffle me (and I’m planning on taking you out for a LONG explanation of this), I am certain about a few things. For one, you are THE most amusing yet laid back person I’ve met. My life would be boring and uneventful without your (often foreign-accented) jokes, randomly executed back hugs, and queer obsession with fried rice in the mornings. Thanks for being so uniquely awesome.

Jessie, you have such an adventurous attitude matched with great sensitivity. For that reason (and for the fact that spending time with you is one of my “favorite” past times), I chose images of places that I want to visit with you. A rustic cabin in the mountains, a lovely picnic on a trip to France, coffee and tiramisu in a coffee shop in Korea- I can’t think of anyone besides you who I’d ask to be my world traveling buddy! Some day it will happen 🙂

I love you two! <3 Rachel