Diamond Craze

Yes, I know, it’s been a long time right? But today I finally got some inspiration about one of the things I have been totally obsessed with this spring/summer… DIAMONDS (specifically diamond art)! This craze all started with Jessie’s birthday preparation. As I was searching for a theme for her party, I discovered a diamond themed party
here, (at one of my favorite blogs). While searching the internet I realized just how many fun diamond/geometric art, DIY’s, and party themes there are out there, (like this, this, and this). And I guess that’s where my love for diamonds blossomed. I’ve been itching to have another diamond themed party, maybe to celebrate the end of school. For now I’ll just share with you guys some diamond art that I am crazy about and one or two pics of how Jessie’s birthday turned out.


pPhoto Credit: one, two

On Site: Guangzhou Factories

Hey guys!

Last week was my Reading Week and we went to China to check out some factories in Guangzhou. I really enjoyed getting to see how stuff actually works and how we can use those things in our designs.

The first factory was a wood lamination factory, this machine (below) took the wood planks and laminated them together to make a full load bearing wall.

This is the view of the control room of a concrete factory we got to visit. They mentioned that they actually add ice to the mix to better bond the concrete mixture.

This is a model of one of the container ships at the Guangzhou International Shipyard. It was really cool to see the model and then go outside to see the gigantic ship being built!

We had to wear our hard hats.. good times.

These apocalyptic cranes are actually out of use and just sit at the concrete factory site. They reminded me of an alien infrastructure invading the Chinese countryside (maybe too much Falling Skies, eh Jessie?)..