Connecting Deeply

This year I led a group of 29 students into China’s interior provinces.  We experienced hiking on cliffs, white-water rafting, and strolling through an ancient town, but the most beautiful thing we saw were the affected hearts of the students. Throughout the trip, they became less and less interested in sights and outdoor activities, as they grew increasingly eager to participate in the “sharing time” we held each night at a crowded hostel. I believe the Holy Spirit worked deeply among the hearts of the students, as tears were shed and pent-up thoughts spoken.  Some highlights: 

1) One night, Rachel got the opportunity to prompt her roommate who then decided to make Jesus her Lord(!) 

2) Another student, in her own words:  ‘From 9th grade, I was cold and resistant to the things of Christ, but on this trip I saw that Jesus receives me just as I am.  Now I don’t want to resist Jesus any longer.’ 


3) After the trip, another student came to me in private and told me that he is ready to follow Jesus and had decided to start going to church with his mom that week.


So much happened at one time… it reminded me of harvest time. When planting a garden we wait and wait — watching and not seeing any progress.  But all at once the fruit [of God’s work] suddenly appears!  Obviously this season has been extremely exciting; for me to see God at work in so many students around me at the same time.  I have a growing sense that this is a ‘turning point’ and that the year ahead will reveal as many, and more instances of the Holy Spirit changing the hearts of the young people here.   I’m also sobered that ‘the Lord of the Harvest’ is always planting seed and I should be just as excited about planting them, as I am about the fruit.

“Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into His harvest.” Matt 9:38


Cappucino for Breakfast

Today we are in Yangshuo China for our 20th Anniversary.  

Susan found Rylie’s Cafe on West Street with Cappucino just the way she likes it — paired with their homemade baguette, a perfect breakfast.  (When she’s happy, I’m happy!)




Michael, Rachel Serving at VIDA — Jessie an Amigo

5am — still dark, chilly, and foggy — Susan and I climbed onto the bus for the 45 min ride out to a two-star airport hotel where so many young people gathered for a weekend different from all others. No textbooks, no laptops, no clocks, no cell phones, no studying; with every distraction aside the focus is on spiritual things alone. Parents and friends were allowed just 15 minutes on this Sunday morning to greet, give a flower, a hug to encourage them on.

Michael and Rachel are student leaders and Jessie is participating the first time as an “Amigo”. I can’t easily express my feelings catching glimpses of them serving and ministering; all grown up!


Vida is a youth weekend that aims to concentrate closely on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ — providing to those who attend, opportunities to cultivate a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ as they share His love in a dynamic way.

Michael, Rachel Serving at VIDA — Jessie an Amigo

5am — still dark, chilly, and foggy — Susan and I climbed onto the bus for the 45 min ride out to a two-star airport hotel where so many young people gathered for a weekend different from all others. No textbooks, no laptops, no clocks, no cell phones, no studying; with every distraction aside the focus is on spiritual things alone. Parents and friends were allowed just 15 minutes on this Sunday morning to greet, give a flower, a hug to encourage them on.

Michael and Rachel are student leaders and Jessie is participating the first time as an “Amigo”. I can’t easily express my feelings catching glimpses of them serving and ministering; all grown up!


Vida is a youth weekend that aims to concentrate closely on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ — providing to those who attend, opportunities to cultivate a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ as they share His love in a dynamic way.

My Tutor

These friends pictured here with us have recently made a permanent move to our city from the countryside. Recently I began tutoring with the tall guy (on the left) to suppliment my language study.  I’m supporting him as he prepares to work among the Muslims in the western part of this country.


Money ain’t gonna ‘keep us together’ (Video)

[wpvideo 9jzwdxTf]

Contemporary views on “getting married” put a priority on money over love. A “proper” wedding must have as many red cars as possible, expensive dishes served, and fireworks. In addition, the groom must have a home ready for his bride to move into.  A young friend of mine from the countryside has fallen in love but they may never marry because the girl’s parents require a new furnished condo before the couple says “I do.” (This condo pre-requisite is typical in the cities.) Vows and trusting God ‘to keep us together’ are rare.  [Some of the pictures in this video were taken from our window, others on a nearby street.]