Triping in South Korea

korea5It’s been over two weeks since our little visit to South Korea but I couldn’t miss out on giving you a peek at our time there. Altogether, I really, really enjoyed Korea after experiencing it’s rich culture! While I was there I felt like I was in a limbo between western and asian culture. We visited a Korean palace (above), shopped in an underground subway station, and ate a ton of delicious korean food mm mm! I think one of my most favorite parts was just walking around the city of Seoul. There were so many bursts of life here and there. All I have to say is that if you’ve never been to South Korea, you’re missing out!
korea7 korea4 korea3I got to meet up with these friends (below) the first day and they brought me to a fantastic fusion restaurant called School Food, yum yum! We also got to roam the underground subway for clothes. I absolutely loved spending time with them in their home country!
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Diamond Craze

Yes, I know, it’s been a long time right? But today I finally got some inspiration about one of the things I have been totally obsessed with this spring/summer… DIAMONDS (specifically diamond art)! This craze all started with Jessie’s birthday preparation. As I was searching for a theme for her party, I discovered a diamond themed party
here, (at one of my favorite blogs). While searching the internet I realized just how many fun diamond/geometric art, DIY’s, and party themes there are out there, (like this, this, and this). And I guess that’s where my love for diamonds blossomed. I’ve been itching to have another diamond themed party, maybe to celebrate the end of school. For now I’ll just share with you guys some diamond art that I am crazy about and one or two pics of how Jessie’s birthday turned out.


pPhoto Credit: one, two

Visiting Beijing

phonebeijingLast weekend Jessie and I went to Beijing for our school’s annual culture trip for the AP and Literature Chinese students. We visited some of the popular scenic spots of Beijing like 圆明园(yuan ming yuan) and 天坛(Temple of Heaven) and did some shopping in between. The weather was absolutely perfect for the trip and totally unexpected since it’s normally way colder this time of year! It was such a blessing to be able to take a little trip to start off our one week spring break (*yay*).

cottoncandylovefamProcessed with Rookie

Sunday Frittata

Since our church service ends around 9:45 each Sunday morning the family is regularly placed in a dilemma about what we should eat. Should we go home? Should we try and find an open restaurant? It’s always a battle to decide where we are going to eat. Well, finally we’ve put an end to the back-and-forth and decided from now on we’ll go home to make a late breakfast. I can’t believe that the plan has actually worked so far! Both Sunday’s since we started, I’ve made a Breakfast Frittata. I had heard the name tossed around but I never really knew what the dish was (or looked like) before I started watching Master Chef! After seeing all the delicious frittata’s being made on the show I decided I’d try my hand at making this delectable breakfast food. The  recipe basically consists of Sauteing your vegetables (spinach, onions, ham, bacon, potatoes, etc.), adding your egg mixture, cooking it on the stove for a while, then putting it in the oven for about 15 minutes. It’s super easy, and quite delicious if I do say so myself! I’ll definitely be keeping you guys updated on my other breakfast experiments each week! Any good breakfast recipes?

Snowy Photos

Yesterday it finally snowed… hooray! So Jessie and I took the opportunity to have a little photo shoot! We had a relaxing breakfast of coffee and toast and then bundled up for our little activity. Although, it was crazy cold, I am so glad we were able to get these shots!

Michael & Rachel,
I can’t tell you how much I’ve been missing our Christmas break together (Sanya post coming soon). This 春节 (Chinese New Year) break has been a lot quieter than in the past! I know we’ll be seeing each other soon though and in the meantime let’s dwell on my ultimate favorite verse, Lamentations 3:31-33 :: “For no one is cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.” No matter what struggle, stress, or frustration you’re going through, God is and will be with you! I love you guys so so so much (this goes for you too, Jessie :]).

Rainy Sunday

Dear Rachel,
This Sunday was a rainy, slow day and it reminded me of all the cozy fall days spent with you last year. After all the work I’ve been doing this quarter it’s nice to finally cozy up and enjoy the rain. I woke up to a much needed cappuccino, chocolate chips pancakes (made by mom), and some family conversation that brightened my morning. The rest of the day consisted of music (my fall playlist, of course), reading Harry Potter, and writing an essay for school. I have to admit, the writing an essay part wasn’t too great but it didn’t keep me from having a great day.

Me and Jessie are hoping to start our fall challenge soon, let’s start it together! And yes, if you were wondering, Megan pulled another front tooth today. Now she is missing three of her front teeth eeek! Miss you tons xoxo!
Love, Maddie

P.S. We need your Pumpkin Latte recipe ASAP!

Fall Spirit

today'sgreatJessie, Michael, & Rachel,

Hey guys! Fall is finally starting to arrive in Tianjin and I’m actually really excited! I can’t wait till I’m able to cozy up in a warm, soft blanket and sip down spiced apple cider or pumpkin Lattes. Here’s a little playlist to get us in the mood for pumpkin treats, candy corn, and snugly nights. Hope you enjoy!

XOXO, Maddie

Picture Source

Wedding Bells



This Saturday the whole family, including Megan as the flower girl, attended a dear friend’s wedding. When we arrived at the venue we were seated outside in a circular courtyard surrounded by columns. The weather was perfect for an outdoor ceremony and the marriage itself (although in Chinese) was splendid. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed watching (and photographing) this beautiful wedding!

While there Jessie and I also took the opportunity to snap a few shots of each other.

jessie us2 happy

Above is a little video of the wedding!


Tumblr Finds #3

Hey Rachel,

I’ve finally started to notice how few people are in the house these days. I have to admit, it’s a challenge trying to figure out how to live in a house with only five people, conversations are shorter, Decisions are harder to make, and life is a lot quieter! I can’t even begin imagine how my life will be after Jessie leaves for College. Everything is changing way too fast. I feel so excited for you though as you discover your new life in Pittsburgh. I’m constantly praying for you and your time there. I love you so very much!

Tumblrfinds3I know how much you enjoy looking at Tumblr blogs so I decided I’d make this Tumblr Finds for you!  I think this blog is in need of a little inspiration, don’t you?

Sources {one, two, three, four, five)