Headache Fever Epidemic

This magazine article styled blog will relate the symptoms and sufferings I experienced on Thanksgiving day and after:

The Headache Fever Epidemic has struck again!   The sickness has plagued the small community of TIS students in Tianjin China.  The Headache Fever Epidemic's symptoms are as follows:  First, slight headaches and achy joints will plague the victim.  Guessing it's only a slight passing headache, they might take ibuprofen and go on as usual.  Then, a sudden wave of nausea might sweep over the victim; at this point the patient should sit down and drink water until feeling better.  Soon after, the sickly victim will go into spasms of shivers and shaking, and their body temperature will start to fluctuate.  Then the victim will become sleepy and energy zapped.  Headaches and achy joints, especially the knees, will plague the victim for the rest of the day.  They might experience difficulty sleeping when their body temperature is always changing.  The next day their energy will be zapped and headaches will keep them in bed for at least half of the day or more. 

The Headache Fever Epidemic has been thought to be spread by air and it is expected to be spread to the rest of the world in the next year!  Both adults and children are highly encouraged to stay well sanitized at all times and keep away from anyone with The Headache Fever Epidemic.          

Even though I was sick on Thanksgiving night, I was still thankful that I wasn't always sick.

One thought on “Headache Fever Epidemic

  1. JESSIE!!!!!! i miss you so much! im so sorry i havent emailed you! how is school and your family and everything? i just noticed your site is working again (it wasnt for us all summer or really till now). i probably shoulda emailed you, but this is faster 🙂 i LOVE your hair. you are so gorgeous! oh this is a commment-right! so lemme read the post im commenting on (i just pressed comment on the latest one)….oh no!! you were sick? thats aweful! im so sorry, i woke up this morning feeling sick 😛 but not as bad as that. i am so sorry, i hope you still had a good thanksgiving. i hope chinas treating you well and youre having fun (without me..sniffsniff) email me or comment back! i love you!!

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