Working at the orphanage…

We woke up early to get started on the 3 hour bus ride to the a remote countryside town. People we know are opening an orphanage there. In this country, is commonplace for mothers to abandon special-needs babies. What makes matters worse, regular orphanages are not equipped — nor have the fortitude — to care for these disadvantaged souls. As a result, most die as babies or toddlers due to neglect.The new orphanage is in its final stages of completion and the government recently approved their application clearing the way for opening day planed this summer.Today’s objective was to make as much progress as possible helping to prepare the facility for move in.We set out at 5:30 am finding a traditional breakfast of rice noodles. Unfortunately, the highway was closed forcing us to follow a winding mountain road which was much slower but scenic with small terraced farms and rice paddies.Our arrival was so late that the orphanage director suggested we eat first serving us spaghetti and popsicles.They asked us to help remove construction trash and debris left in the buildings so my students went to work but it was heavy labor! Cases of 18” tiles, piles of metal debris, broken roof tiles, and all of the rooms had thick layer of dust be swept and widows cleaned. None of these students had mopped a floor much less load a truck with piles of dirty, rusting pipe.I appreciated having this unique context to interact with my students. Laboring together — doing hard things together — forges a special connection that can not be replicated in the classroom. My heart is for His will to be done in their lives; I hope to see it come to fruition.


These guys worked diligently having a great attitude. Throughout the afternoon I was directing and prompting, asking one to go here and start loading, asking others to start stacking discarded pipes. Even at the end of the day when everyone was tired and hungry, they did not quit until the job was done.They made me proud.