Trip to the Bike Garage (Megan’s Fish Part 1)

Saturday we went down to the basement bike garage to tend to our bikes. The man who guards the bikes happens to be the grandpa of one of the boys who was in Megan’s class at the Chinese kindergarten last fall. We had to share the news about our upcoming move, and pay our bike storage fee to him. He told us he would be sad to see our family move. He told Megan to wait that he wanted to give her something. He opened his storage closet and pulled out a pail of water with live fish in it. He grabbed a plastic bag and put 3 small fish in it for Megan. (They look like little perch). He expected us to cook them for dinner. I was embarrassed to tell my girls that my fish cleaning skills are not very good.

Here’s Megan with the boy from her class, and also holding her bag of fish.
