Diamond Craze

Yes, I know, it’s been a long time right? But today I finally got some inspiration about one of the things I have been totally obsessed with this spring/summer… DIAMONDS (specifically diamond art)! This craze all started with Jessie’s birthday preparation. As I was searching for a theme for her party, I discovered a diamond themed party
here, (at one of my favorite blogs). While searching the internet I realized just how many fun diamond/geometric art, DIY’s, and party themes there are out there, (like this, this, and this). And I guess that’s where my love for diamonds blossomed. I’ve been itching to have another diamond themed party, maybe to celebrate the end of school. For now I’ll just share with you guys some diamond art that I am crazy about and one or two pics of how Jessie’s birthday turned out.


pPhoto Credit: one, two

Jason’s Porch


As I’ve been absent from the blog for a while, let me share with you some stories from my first month of summertime in Pittsburgh.

Last time you saw me, I was high up in the Arizona mountains, enjoying breathtaking landscapes and equally spectacular company. I so cherish that get-away, treasuring the rest and comfort I experienced during it.

Early the next week I traveled back. As we soared over Pittsburgh’s deep green hills and towering trees, the one thought that crossed my mind was, “I’m home.” And what a glorious thought that is! Ending my first year of school, I am finally coming out of that crazy transition that college throws your way.

My first day back was spent with good friends; a coffee date for brunch, errands around campus in the afternoon, and dinner on Jason’s porch. To all of our appreciation, Jason prepared a delicious dinner for the group composed of a brie cheese spread, arugula salad, and sour-dough, turkey sandwiches. While we ate, the sun set directly in front of the little home we sat at. Surrounded by such amazing friends, those moments of golden rays were my favourite of the day.


We sat there on his little porch for a long time talking and munching on the prepared Hors d’oeuvres, when Chalisse, Lydia and I decided to head out on a late-night-walk. Call the boys lazy… or scared, but either way they decided to hold down the fort while we explored. You see, I have a favourite lookout spot in the large park behind campus, but walking there in the dark was a first. We set out enthusiastically but by the time we had crossed campus, courage began to falter. It was one dark pathway in particular, in combination with traipsing through knee-length, aboding grasses that sent us running back. We must’ve looked absolutely hilarious as we bounded back to the street, trying to get out of the grasses that clung viciously to our legs.

This is definitely a day that I will not forget.