The Power of a Song

Dear Rachel,

As I was on the plane headed back to Tianjin listening to music, I thought to myself how powerful music can be. It can make you cry, laugh, and embarrass yourself more than you thought it ever could. As I sat on my incredibly uncomfortable Hainan Airlines seat, with aching legs and tired eyes I started to think of all the songs out there that reminded me of you. These songs stick in my head, and every time they happen to play I think of you.  For example, “There Can Be Miracles” in the Prince of Egypt, this song reminds me of the time we went to KTV (karaoke) with our cousin, Jenna. You and Jessie sang this song together at the top of your lungs (standing on top a table, of course) and had no shame whatsoever. Or “Stay” by Rihanna, this song can almost make me cry even thinking about how you loved listening to it and every time it came on the radio I just had to call you over to listen with me. I am so thankful that God has placed these songs in my life so that every time I’m missing you or just need a little cry I can listen to these songs and think of my sweet big sister.

Below are just a few of many songs that remind me of YOU. (If the player doesn’t work just click HERE or HERE – sorry!).

Note: The player may not work if you are using google chrome as a browser.

KimChi Rice

kimchiriceI am a big fan of Korean food so when I found this recipe on Cakies Blog I couldn’t resist trying it out myself. I picked up a package of kimchi at the store and tried my hand at Korean cooking. However, I didn’t read the recipe close enough to know I needed 3 cups of kimchi and I only had about 1 cup’s worth. “No problem, I’ll just half the recipe,” I thought. Well I prepared the dish following the recipe adding seaweed as a garnish, but I have to admit it was a little bland. Hey, I’ll get it next time, I’m sure of it.  Anyhow, it was a good try and I’m not giving up on my Korean cooking just yet!  The full recipe can be found here.sauceWe used this korean sauce (actually meant for meat) to add more flavor. kimchirice2

Hello, Austin TX

Dear Rachel:
I’m missing you already, now that I am back in Tianjin; but I am thankful for the time we had in Austin visiting the University of Texas. Austin Texas is such a interesting city and it was fun experiencing it with you! I hope you enjoy these pictures as much I did!

This snake-cycle (the line of tricycles inside the snake’s ribcage definitely qualifies it to be a snake-cycle) parked in front of the Indian food cart was my favorite piece of decor in Austin.


Hello UT
I also really enjoyed visiting the University of Texas! Both the campus and the facilities were beautiful.

I would definitly gain the “Freshman 15” with all the amazing food around campus!

Design Studio-02
Plus, I think I can see myself working in the studio…

…or enjoying the beautiful pool!

I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me this special trip with you!
Miss you!

Headrick’s Back in the US

Summer 2013 brought us Headrick’s all back together in South Dakota to celebrate Sean’s parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.  This was Michael’s first trip back to the States in three years!  He found the trip very refreshing, spending time with cousins, grandparents and extended family.   On the 4th of July we celebrated in the small home town of Sean’s parents, Flandreau, SD.  Here we snapped a patriotic family photo during a short visit with Sean’s aunt and uncle.

Summer 2013

Spontanious Garage Party

There is no such thing as too many “Connecting 4 Meetings” – or maybe its just our excuse to spend time together with some good food! Whichever it may be, Rachel and I planned a “spontaneous” Connecting 4 “barn party” (which actually was to be held in the garage because our grandma doesn’t have a barn). Food Network magazines provided the recipes for our two main dishes: roasted chicken salad and grilled zucchini and feta cheese salad.
Picnic Party
I was so proud of grilling my grandma’s fresh zucchinis and actually creating a delicious dish!
In the end we actually ended up on my grandma’s front porch because the garage was so hot… hey – it was still fun!

Maple Anniversary Cake


I made this two-tier cake for my grandparents’ 50th anniversary last week. I was going for a woodsy theme as we were spending the weekend in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Maple is a favorite with Gramps hence the frosting is a silky, rich & earthy, maple buttercream.

Before leaving my Grandparents’ house for the Hills, I made both an 8-inch and 6-inch vanilla cake for the special occasion. Working all day before we were to leave, I finished the cake’s most important components, leaving just the assembly to be completed at the cabin.

Simply put, this anniversary cake is compromised of rich vanilla cake, maple buttercream filling and frosting, and candied pecans sprinkled between each layer and atop. It was a huge hit. We enjoyed this cake together while watching slides of different events and snapshots of Gramps and Grams’ married life (including Gramps’ time serving in Vietnam)



B1 Airstrip


We had the great privilege of visiting the Ellsworth Air Force Base last week during our trip to the Black Hills. Through Grandpa’s clearance, we were able to enter and discover a little bit about their life as a military family. My Dad was a life guard at the base pool when he was around my age, he told us about what he and his brothers would do for recreation, shopping, etc.

I love the fact that Dad’s childhood was similar to ours in the way that he and his family were also constantly on the move. As a military kid, Dad lived in more than 8 states before he went to college.

While at the Ellsworth AFB, we had the opportunity to see some active B1 Bomber air crafts. What an awesome experience this visit was for us kids.





Reunited in South Dakota


After our vast assortment of flight itineraries and travel plans, we all (finally) made it to my grandparents house in South Dakota. One of the main reasons that we returned to the US this summer was to celebrate my Grandparents fiftieth anniversary- congratulations Grandma and Grandpa! A couple of days after arriving in SD, my Dad’s two brothers and their families joined us for a family get-together in the Black Hills to celebrate this milestone in the Headrick family.


While in the black hills we drove through the beautiful Custer State Park- spotting buffalo, prairie dogs, and deer on the way. We also enjoyed many river-side picnics, mountain hikes, and campfire s’mores together throughout the weekend on top of visiting Mount Rushmore for the first time.






The night of their anniversary, my Grandpa unpacked his slide projector to show us some photos of his time in Vietnam where he served as a pilot in the Air-force. I’m thinking we have a hidden photographer in the family because his photos were exceptional! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture some of the best shots, so these will have to do.

On the six-hour drive up to our cabin at the beginning of the trip, I had the opportunity to listen to Grandpa’s stories of his life as a pilot in the Vietnamese war. I am so honored to have had this chance, hearing about his life at that time is such an honor.


The Last of the Season


Grandpa sent Megan and I out to pick the last peonies of the season late yesterday afternoon. Unaccustomed as we are to caring for garden-grown flowers in China, I took full advantage of this special opportunity. Snipping away joyously, Megan and I carefully chose the prettiest blooms to gather for dinner’s bouquet.




Since arriving at my grandparents house in the beautiful, Eastern South Dakota region, I’ve noticed how good it feels to live in a place where nature is rich and vibrant. There is a comfort in growing your own fruits and vegetables, which my grandpa faithfully continues to do each spring. I hope that one day when I have my own family, I might be able to do the same.




After peony picking, we gathered in the kitchen for some rhubarb crisp and vanilla ice cream. yum.
