First Days in The US

Jessie, Michael, & Rachel,

Hey! It’s been over a week and I can’t lie, I have been loving my time here in America. So far I’ve shopped (and spent too much money), swam (numerous times), gone on a boat ride, taken many a golf cart rides, eaten a little too much junk food and spent a lot of time with family. It’s been a great vacation but I sure am missing each one of you :(. I feel like it’s been weeks since I last saw all of you guys.

Jessie, I miss all of our crazy  hugs and funny conversations about school. I can’t wait to spend long car rides together talking and hanging out.

Rachel, I miss your delicious cupcakes and your amazing planning skills ;). I cannot wait to show you my new clothes and swimsuit I got this past week!

Michael, I just miss chatting with you! We are going to have a blast this summer enjoying a break from work, aren’t we?!

Here is a peek at the fun I’ve been having here!

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