My Christmas Gift from Michael

Michael created for me this beautiful laser-cut acrylic free standing snowflake.  First, the job of designing the snowflake in CAD.  Next, the tedious job of marking all the laser cuts, and finally the actual cutting.  Two beautifully identical snowflakes that fit together into a free-standing ornament.  Thank you Michael!  You are so talented.


Chinese Parking Spots

Sunday after church we walked to a new mall that we heard had a Starbucks coffee shop.  Along the way we had to side step cars parked up on the sidewalk.   Chinese drivers will park anywhere there is opened space….diagonal, perpendicular and parallel.

Unfortunately the Starbucks was not opened yet, so the girls went home for lunch, while Sean and I stayed to have date at a nearby bakery.


Sean Teaches at Middle School Chapel

Last week Sean was asked to teach for the Middle School Chapel on Monday.  The title of his talk was "WAYT – What Are You Thinking."    He gave some practical tips on controlling one’s thoughts, based on the scripture from Philippians 4:8

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things."  

Urging the kids, using the analogy of an MP3 player, that you can always turn off bad thoughts and turn on good ones.



Many of you may have read in your news about the horrible pollution we have experienced in northern China over the last 10 days.  Today we see the sun!  What a beautiful sight.  I am so grateful to the Lord for HIS gift to us today and for HIS grace on our health.  We have stayed strong physically, without cold or cough.  Here is the sunrise from our 9th floor apartment window.
A view from 5 days ago.


Sean Meets Up with TIS Alumni

During our stay in Hong Kong, Sean was able to have a short visit with some of his former students who are studying there, and one student who attends Boston University, but happened to be in Hong Kong with her family.  It was rewarding for Sean to hear from them about their transition into college life.
