Michael’s first year at HKU

This year has definitely been one of the most life-changing and also challenging years of my life (both spiritually and academically). 

Here I am presenting my work, and then some drawings and constructions from this year in Architecture:
Final project for first semester.

Drawing Analysis.

Construction components for our structure.

I’m happy to be at the University of Hong Kong-and in so many ways I can see how God prepared the place for me and prepared me for the place. My studies in architecture have been exciting and have pushed me to search for innovation and creativity. Although growth in academics has been stimulating, even more powerful has been the my personal journey at HKU.

Through challenges in life away from family and academic pressure- I was really able to explore and learn about reliance on God, community and my place in His Kingdom. Displacement and change are truly a catalysts for transformation.

In the cycle of estrangement from God, repentance, rehabilitation and learning-I’ve seen God constantly chasing me and changing me. This passage from Romans has stuck with me throughout the last part of my second semester and my summer regarding my year, “we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 5:3-5)

God has worked in so many ways, but I could really see him working through my church community, university fellowship, and relationships I’ve built this year. I got involved as a leader of my university fellowship and next year will serve as the administrative president of the group. Also, going to the Philippines has was another great experience where I learned so much about God, his people and his mission in this world.

Our Philippines Team. 

One of my close friends, Victoria, gets baptised.

Bank of China Tower. Central, Hong Kong.
