I’m Lovin’… Anything Vintage

Today was the first day back to school after 5 weeks of break. And to be frank I hated it! It was so tiring and long…But I got through the day alright.

As of late I have been obsessing over anything vintage. All the blogs I visited that posted about something vintage inspired me more and more to make a post of my own that en captures the beauty of vintage style. So I did it! 1: Vintage clothing in my opinion is too adorable although I don’t have many vintage articles in my closet right now I’m planning to hunt for some this summer while in America. 2: Vintage Adds, it has taken me a while to find some good sites to find vintage adds but I did and I love them (Found in Mom’s Basement & Captain Geoffrey Spaulding’s Photostream on Flickr). 3: Vintage Electronics, when I think of vintage electronics 3 things pop into my mind are vintage cameras, vintage typewriters, and vintage telephones. 4: Vintage Luggage, I was browsing over pinterest for vintage pics and I noticed that there were many pictures of vintage suitcases and luggage so I decided to add a photo of some cute suitcases stacked on each other. Well that’s all for now folks!

Sources:{1: Vintage Swimsuit & Vintage Sasson 2: Found in Mom’s Basement 3: Vintage Phone 4: Vintage Suitcases}

Dreaming of HK.

With Michael’s recent departure and the start of routine living again, I’m missing HongKong more than ever.

It was in this city where my life took a turn when I decided to take a step of faith and “not” jump right into college as previously expected. It was in this city that I re-united with my brother and old friends who encouraged me to open my mind to new ideas and to seek the Lord’s instruction. I will never forget the quiet, thoughtful days I spent in HongKong -although ironically it is known for its fast-paced society- in which my plans for the future were leveled and rebuilt. Furthermore, on top of all these things I have to mention my excitement over the new friends I was introduced to who made my time in HK so incredible! 

Here are some compiled images of photos that remind me of my recent visit to HK

-cannot wait to visit again!

As you can see, I played around with photoshop quite a bit while working on this post… the look is a bit “scattered” I think.

sticker pictures!

What cities are you day-dreaming about?

(seems like we’re dreaming A LOT over here at connecting4 🙂 –check out Maddie’s most recent dream house post.)

Dream House #2

I was browsing over the blog this week and came across my previous Dream House post and decided to create another…

My family moved earlier this year during spring break and although moving over a vacation is never appealing, at least it inspired me to write this post! I found it very difficult to have a relaxing break when boxes lay strewn across the ground, cleaning had to be done, and tasks of organization awaited us around every corner. However the memories Jessie and I made during this time are priceless. Although even now 5 months later we are still hanging pictures and finding places for “stuff” to go, I believe we had a successful move this year and I am quite proud of our efforts. I used the same resources as last time (fresh home) but this time I decided to pick a theme for the “dream house”. Doesn’t “scenic rural dream” sound enticing?! Check out these two houses that I combined keeping this theme in mind.

I love how the floors of both houses are so gorgeous, they match the rural theme so well.

look at those gorgeous windows!

The furniture in the picture above really pulls together the thought of a countryside house.


Guilin Memories

I am continuing my Memories Collection with one of my favorite places in China, Guilin. We went on a vacation to this scenic area in the South of China the first year our family lived in in the Middle Kingdom.

During our travels down the Li River, we stopped at small villages along the way. The locals in this semi-tropical area still lived in structures; some of which were hundreds of years old.

China’s token color is red, which we got a lot of throughout our trip to Guilin.

Another great part of the trip was the produce and food. Fresh berries and other fruit are produced in the area.

The historic legacy stretches into both culture and arts… below is a Chinese opera costume.

Lastly, known throughout China, the scenery in Guilin is, in itself, a compelling reason to visit this place. The sights are breathtaking and being able to traverse these karst mountains was a blast!

This post is part of my Memories Collection-revisiting places where Connecting Four really connected and explored the world together. See my Thailand Memories post here. See my Tianjin Memories here.

Ukuleles and Gell Pens

Now that I am an upperclassman I have been giving more thought to what I really love to do. Last year, when Michael began Architecture at HongKong University, he often reminded me that I should choose a career/school that I will love and be passionate about. So I began to explore new hobbies.

One hobby I picked up about a year ago was sketching in a little brown-paper pocketbook. By practicing, I not only realized how much I love putting pen to paper, but how much I enjoy the thought process behind creating different types of art!

I have always loved music, both singing and playing. Before last Christmas, the only instrument I had ever played was the Clarinet. However, when a friend came to China for a visit, I was inspired by her (who was an amazing Ukelele player), to get one of my own! It is the most challenging yet rewarding hobby for me.

My beloved Ukulele ~ I love you!

A sample of my most recent art endeavor. Michael had an idea of a “star ship” while we were listening to – you guessed it – “Star Ships” by Niki Minaj. This is actually a X-Wing Fighter from Star Wars bejeweled in gel pens! Stay tuned for the finished product ~

Since Michael spoke to me last year I have realized so much truth in his words! Do what you are passionate about – this will bring you joy. Some days when I feel really uninspired I just play a few songs on my ukelele and it really brightens my mood! Don’t brush off the things you are interested in as unimportant – dig deeper into those passions and develop them.

India is Served

This break has given me the chance to cook in our new house’s kitchen (at University I don’t really have a great space to work), and I’ve been exploring a bit in terms of drinks and food (Lemonade & Dumplings).

I decided to try out something I first tried four years ago (and have LOVED ever since!): Masala Chai Tea-thank you Ruth Bevis for introducing me to this incredible drink.

For a great recipe, you can reference Simply Recipes for their amazing Chai Tea– I make a few variations as compared to theirs.

I add chilli powder to my chai tea, it gives it a great spicy kick!

First: gather your ingredients, mix the dry ingredients well in a large saucepan and add water. You are going to want to bring the water and spices to a rolling boil for about 10 minutes before moving on to the tea.





Cover the saucepan to bring it to a boil quickly.


Secondly, remove from the heat and let the tea steep for around 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags.


Then, add the milk and brown sugar (or your preferred sweetener). Bring back to a simmer and keep warm til you serve.

Another great tip: Chill the tea after you are done, and serve over ice. It tastes just as good cold!



Serve with baked goods, cake, bars or even savoury food (curry or tandoori chicken?). Rachel made a special treat for us the other day and it was GREAT with the Chai!
(Here’s a preview of it):

Office Project 03

The office is on its way to completion. Since our last update, we’ve finished:

1.) painting the chevron wall design
2.) cleaning and organizing the cube shelves (which we will hang like the ones sketched in this blog post)
3.) spray painting the bottom of the shelves (GOLD!)
4.) buying a gorgeous nickel-plated lamp from IKEA
5.) organizing the decoration pieces we will be placing/hanging around the room.

  • getting “stuff” done: inspiration from mimi&meg!

Check out all the planning and work we’ve put into it at Office Project 01 and Office Project 02!

Connecting Deeply

This year I led a group of 29 students into China’s interior provinces.  We experienced hiking on cliffs, white-water rafting, and strolling through an ancient town, but the most beautiful thing we saw were the affected hearts of the students. Throughout the trip, they became less and less interested in sights and outdoor activities, as they grew increasingly eager to participate in the “sharing time” we held each night at a crowded hostel. I believe the Holy Spirit worked deeply among the hearts of the students, as tears were shed and pent-up thoughts spoken.  Some highlights: 

1) One night, Rachel got the opportunity to prompt her roommate who then decided to make Jesus her Lord(!) 

2) Another student, in her own words:  ‘From 9th grade, I was cold and resistant to the things of Christ, but on this trip I saw that Jesus receives me just as I am.  Now I don’t want to resist Jesus any longer.’ 


3) After the trip, another student came to me in private and told me that he is ready to follow Jesus and had decided to start going to church with his mom that week.


So much happened at one time… it reminded me of harvest time. When planting a garden we wait and wait — watching and not seeing any progress.  But all at once the fruit [of God’s work] suddenly appears!  Obviously this season has been extremely exciting; for me to see God at work in so many students around me at the same time.  I have a growing sense that this is a ‘turning point’ and that the year ahead will reveal as many, and more instances of the Holy Spirit changing the hearts of the young people here.   I’m also sobered that ‘the Lord of the Harvest’ is always planting seed and I should be just as excited about planting them, as I am about the fruit.

“Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into His harvest.” Matt 9:38


Feels Like Summer

With only a few hours left in Tianjin, it is finally starting to feel like summer. Flowers are blooming, we’ve had blue skies for three days straight and the days are blending together with summer BBQs and dinners on the porch.

Needless to say, I am going to miss this a lot.

Flowers at a botanical garden in down town Tianjin.

My beautiful sister, Rachel.

Farewell Tianjin, the place where I spent one of the best summers of my life.