As we close a chapter on another school year, there will be some changes in the office at school where mom works. She has been so blessed to co-labor with a Chinese American lady who grew up in Nanjing, China, in very difficult living conditions. In my World History class this semester, Mrs. Kimmel was a guest lecturer for one of my class periods. I learned from her about many sad things that happened in the course of Mrs. Kimmel’s childhood. In God’s great providence, Mrs. Kimmel married an American man and moved to the US in the late 1980’s. She and her husband became Christians, and after 17 years of living in America, felt a calling to return to her homeland of China. She is a remarkable woman of faith and perseverance. Here is a picture of my mom with Mrs. Kimmel, she is the one wearing glasses. Other ladies pictured are Korean liason/translators and our Chinese school Registrar.