What I’ve Been Up To

Hi everyone! Sorry It’s been so long since I last updated you on what’s going on. 8th grade has been going great (a little tough, but bearable) and so far the school year has gone very smoothly. I decided I would write this blog to highlight some main things that have happened during my 8th grade year. 

The school year started out great with the Middle School Fall Camp. My Team (The Peace Warriors) won second place. We played games, competed, and had alot of fun!


During the Second quarter of school we had the Middle School Science Fair, my project was about bacteria growth (gross, yet interesting). I placed second overall in the Middle School.


My (long) winter break was awesome (having Michael home was so great)! Christmas went great and our extended break for the Chinese New Year was full of relaxation and family time. We got to take a small trip to the beach which was a very nice get away from the freezing Tianjin (burrrr). 


In the second Semester we moved into our newcampus (yay!) and the dynamics of school definitly changed. It has for sure been nice to have a bigger school building so that we can all spread out more and we finally have a really gym (huge praise)! 


Next up is my birthday which is coincidentally during Spring Break (woohoo). Before I start getting excited I have to get through the whole moving stuff. After that I will definitly be relaxed and ready to party! See you next time, bye!