Cake Challenge: February Part 1

Hello! Happy Monday. This weekend I continued my goal and in the last few days of February made another triple layer cake… I am overjoyed to announce that I didn’t make nearly as many mistakes this month than in January with my Mocha-espresso-drizzle-cake. Actually the mixing, baking and icing process went quite smoothly. (get the recipe/detailed description in part 2 of this post!)

If you are ever in the mood for baking, my suggestion is to “bake with your mom!” <or someone you love> I have had so many bonding experiences with her through comfort when stressful emotions bubble up in me if something goes terribly wrong, through listening to her many years of wisdom in the field of food, and through the successes that we’ve shared together! Stay tuned for my March cake coming soon!

<Cake Challenge Series: is a collection of posts which document the cakes I bake each month. More specifically, I have a goal this year to bake at least one (hopefully spectacular) layer cake each month, and photograph/post them here. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I enjoy baking these delicious desserts!>

5 thoughts on “Cake Challenge: February Part 1

  1. W.O.W~ that cake looks really delicious! and it is really surprising that you made this, and I’m sure that you are such an awesome baker:) /I liked the part that you showed every steps of making this awesome Mocha-espresso-drizzle-cake, and as you said, I will also try to bake with my mom~

    *oh, and you should bake for me too >_< I will gladly taste it and give a great comment on it 😀

  2. ..!!! AWESOME Rachel! I saw one of this pictures on your presentation in Chinese class today. At that time, I thought ‘Is that really what she baked herself??!..WOW! I cannot believe it!” Actually, I love cooking and baking! Then, I collect some good recipes for baking and cooking. Also, I tried a lot with my mom! When I showed this to my mom! She said “Wow she is a great baker! How did she make it? I want to try that!” My mom also loves baking :p
    P.S If you have time, let’s bake together! I LOVE Baking and Cooking! 😀

  3. WOW!!!! I can’t believe that this is home made one. It is so amazing! One of my favorite food is chocolate cake so I really like your post. Also it is really interesting that you used the real chocolate to make a chocolate cake! The cream also looks really delicious.. I think that you are a great baker.:) I want to be a good baker like you! Later, can you help me to bake this cake? haha I really want to try it. I really like your post! 🙂

  4. WOW, I saw this pictures on your Chinese presentation. You might be a wonderful baker! I can’t believe this because I can’t cook or bake either. My mom can cook and bake but I can’t 🙁 .. If you have time teach me someday! And It must be very delicious >_<

  5. Wow! This cake looks really good! I really like how you put pictures of each step of the cake making process, it helps to show how much time and effort goes into making a cake. I hope that it tasted good!

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