Sean Teaching in his New Classroom


The year Sean is teaching three classes in our high school: Computer Animation, Digital Citizenship and two sections of AP Computer Science. Rachel and Jessie are both taking Computer Science. Although it’s challenging for them, I think they are doing well in his class. This is actually the first time Rachel has had Sean as a teacher. She’s enjoying it. All our other kids have had Sean in previous years. Sean will also be leading the Senior Class spring trip coming up in May. Now that our school has moved into its new campus, Sean has his own classroom. Picture above Sean is teaching AP Comp Sci., Rachel is in the foreground.

One thought on “Sean Teaching in his New Classroom

  1. How cool is that?! I would have LOVED to have taken a class from my dad; he originally wanted to be a math teacher. What a privilege. I am glad Sean has his own classroom now as well. Looks great! Thanks for sharing.

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