Changes for Megan

The spring semester brings more changes for Megan. We moved her back into our school’s ECC (Early Childhood Center) for the remainder of her kindergarten year. She had an amazing experience in Chinese kindergarten last fall, and it was a bittersweet decision to make. Megan adjusted very well to her Chinese classmates and learned much more of the Mandarin language, which we are so thankful for. However, with the move to our new campus, commuting time has gone from 10 minutes to 45 minutes; so the logistics of getting Megan to and from the Chinese kindergarten, did not work. On Megan’s last day of school before the break for Chinese New Year, the class had a little time to say goodbye. Megan’s big sisters were out of school for their break, so they all came along. We were almost all in tears as we listened to various children say how much they will miss having Megan in their class. Here, Megan’s classmate comes to say goodbye.


Megan’s Kindergarten Class (she has learned early the Asian peace sign)


Megan’s teachers


School gate guard


Rachel sees her little friend from this past summer, when she volunteered as a helper in the class.


Lunch with friends after school dismissed for half-day


One thought on “Changes for Megan

  1. Looks like a special goodbye and it was a good experience. Glad you’ll all be together at the new school though. God bless.

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