God is so Kind to Take Care of His Children

When I woke up Monday morning I saw a missed call from MIchael which came after midnight the night before.  I quickly logged onto Skype to see if Michael was okay.  He wrote me a chat message using his cell phone (thankfully he had a way to contact us!) because he told me that while he was up late studying he had spilled coffee on his Macbook, and the computer had turned itself off automatically.  My heart was so sad for him.  He sounded so down and disappointed, but he wrote that he was praying to the Lord for help.  Sean told me to tell Michael to go ahead and take it to the Apple Store (which just opened in Hong Kong) to get an estimate for repair.  Apple Warranty does not cover spills 🙁

I went off to work at school and got very busy…a couple hours later I realized that I had not logged into skype once I got to work.  So I opened Skype.  Almost immediately I got a message from Michael.  Here’s what it said:

Praise God!! They are fixing it for free…replacing the logic board. It was going to cost 4,000 hkd (about $500 US dollars)” Then he wrote “The guy asked if I was a student.. And I said yes.. And I think he wanted to help me out. And the service agents were very busy too.. You know God overcomes every obstacle”  

My heart soared for Michael.  I was so happy to see how God is building Michael’s faith in HIM.   Later Michael shared that he was sort of happy that the incident happened, so God could be glorified.  And HE sure was.  There is really no logical reason why the Apple Store would offer to fix it for free, except that God wanted to glorify Himself!   

Here’s Michael’s facebook post…after having to endure no computer for almost a week.  I guess he got a taste of what it’s like to be in college without a laptop (like his parents, he had to go to the computer labs on campus to do his work).

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