
Henna has become a favorite hobby of mine since I tried it in my 7th grade art class.  I love the intricate designs, fragrant smell, and orangery color tattoo of the henna.  I am always eager to practice on people to improve my skills.  When I signed up to do Henna at our school’s Christmas Bazaar I didn’t know how many “henna fans” we actually had there.  I was literally doing henna nonstop for 4 hours!  Since it was such a big hit, the activity director at our school asked me to do henna at TIS’s 25th Anniversary celebration.  I knew that I might possibly be flocked again, and I was right.  Once I sat down at the table I did get up until the ceremonies stared two to three hours later!  Though I was very tired after wards I still enjoyed the experience and practice.


Graduation Week

The last week of school began for Michael with an Open House Celebration on Sunday in our apartment, with special visitors (grandma and grandpa from South Dakota and Michael’s first cousin, Jenna). He wanted to set things up like an art gallery, to display some of his favorite pieces. Many friends came to celebrate with us. Michael only has two final exams during the week, which frees him up to spend time showing our guests around Tianjin.


Michael’s artwork displayed


Graduation Week

The last week of school began for Michael with an Open House Celebration on Sunday in our apartment, with special visitors (grandma and grandpa from South Dakota and Michael’s first cousin, Jenna). He wanted to set things up like an art gallery, to display some of his favorite pieces. Many friends came to celebrate with us. Michael only has two final exams during the week, which frees him up to spend time showing our guests around Tianjin.


Michael’s artwork displayed


Michael…Last Days with Seniors

The night before leaving for their spring trip to Yunnan Province, China, Michael and his friend Seung Won hosted a Senior party. They wanted to have a bar-b-que outdoors. The gathering turned out to be pretty fun, as you can tell from the picture. After eating the windy weather drove them into our apartment where they hung out and watched movies. What a great group of kid! In case you are wondering, where are all the girls??…their class has only 5 girls and 18 guys!


Michael…Last Days with Seniors

The night before leaving for their spring trip to Yunnan Province, China, Michael and his friend Seung Won hosted a Senior party. They wanted to have a bar-b-que outdoors. The gathering turned out to be pretty fun, as you can tell from the picture. After eating the windy weather drove them into our apartment where they hung out and watched movies. What a great group of kid! In case you are wondering, where are all the girls??…their class has only 5 girls and 18 guys!


Workers Prepare for the Day

This is not an uncommon sight around our city. Workers do calisthenics on sidewalks in front of their respective shops. Mostly I see restaurant attendants and hair salon workers. Here the men are doing push-ups while the girls look on.


Need to Charge Your Cell Phone


What happens when you are stuck in an airport in a strange city and your cell phone runs out of battery? While traveling through our Tianjin airport this year, I found this little kiosk very interesting. And the best part, it’s FREE!

House Soccer


Every Year Middle School is divided into groups (houses) and we do a soccer competition. I really enjoy soccer so this a fun way to interact with my group (house 2)! The results have not come out yet but I hope house 2 can conquer! Go House 2!

Fruit or Vegetable?

The aged old saying, “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” Well today in my taxi, a tomato was a fruit. Jessie and I got into our taxi ride home from the orthodontist to hear the sucking and slurping sounds of our driver eating a whole tomato, as if it were a juicy summertime peach. Jessie was a little grossed out by the sounds. I guess one was not enough because as soon as he finished, out came another tomato and the driver biting into it with slurps. I think the Chinese see a tomato as a “fruit”; another proof, you can buy dried grape tomatoes along side raisins and berries in the markets. And they do taste sweet, like candy.

Fruit or Vegetable?

The aged old saying, “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” Well today in my taxi, a tomato was a fruit. Jessie and I got into our taxi ride home from the orthodontist to hear the sucking and slurping sounds of our driver eating a whole tomato, as if it were a juicy summertime peach. Jessie was a little grossed out by the sounds. I guess one was not enough because as soon as he finished, out came another tomato and the driver biting into it with slurps. I think the Chinese see a tomato as a “fruit”; another proof, you can buy dried grape tomatoes along side raisins and berries in the markets. And they do taste sweet, like candy.