Girls Party!

This Friday I was invited to an Easter party! The party was at one of my former teachers house. When we first arrived all of us decided to make some cookies… so we got out all the ingredients and started to put them together.We made a big mess but with some help we got it all figured out. After the dough was ready we started to make shapes out of the dough and then we popped them in the oven. They might not have turned out to be the most delicious cookies but it was a ton of fun. After we finished with the cookies we got to dye eggs and then we went outside to hide/find them. I had a great time getting to spend time with my class mates cooking and celebrating Easter together!


Girls Party!

This Friday I was invited to an Easter party! The party was at one of my former teachers house. When we first arrived all of us decided to make some cookies… so we got out all the ingredients and started to put them together.We made a big mess but with some help we got it all figured out. After the dough was ready we started to make shapes out of the dough and then we popped them in the oven. They might not have turned out to be the most delicious cookies but it was a ton of fun. After we finished with the cookies we got to dye eggs and then we went outside to hide/find them. I had a great time getting to spend time with my class mates cooking and celebrating Easter together!


Service Day

Every year our school does a service trip, this year 3rd graders came to this school to learn english and to play (crafts, outdoor games).I was so glad I was able to serve others on this day! After everyone arrived we got to preform our choir songs we are going to do for our concert. Then we were able to get in small groups to play a bean bag game and to read a story. After this we ate lunch together and then played some outdoor games. I was sad to see them depart after all the fun was done but I did benefit a lot by helping these 3rd graders!


Service Day

Every year our school does a service trip, this year 3rd graders came to this school to learn english and to play (crafts, outdoor games).I was so glad I was able to serve others on this day! After everyone arrived we got to preform our choir songs we are going to do for our concert. Then we were able to get in small groups to play a bean bag game and to read a story. After this we ate lunch together and then played some outdoor games. I was sad to see them depart after all the fun was done but I did benefit a lot by helping these 3rd graders!



This year on my Birthday I turned 13 years old. My Birthday was on Spring Vacation so I got to spend the whole day off of school. I woke up to the "Happy Birthday Song" and as I walked out of my room I saw the most amazing decorations. The theme was a Slumber party Birthday and there was a beautifully made bed in the family room! I got to eat pancakes for breakfast and I had a indoor picnic on beds for lunch! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday than this one!


Eye Masks


Some will associate eye masks with grannies trying to go to sleep, or the noisy snoring middle-aged man in row 15A on your fifteen hour flight.  However since I have moved to China and share a room with all three of my sisters, I have found value in these dark eye covers.  They really help me sleep when it is midnight and Rachel is so capture by her book to put it down.  They are actually quote popular here.  In almost any small store you can find them for 10¥ (about a dollar).  Well, after so many nights being forced to wear one in order to sleep they become very comforting.  Even without lights on, street lamps can really put off a glare, so I have become very appreciative of wearing one.  For my Birthday I really wanted a new one. (My old one had been dropped under the my bed to the dusty floor one too many times).  In the picture below you can see me modeling the one Maddie gave me:

Eye Masks


Some will associate eye masks with grannies trying to go to sleep, or the noisy snoring middle-aged man in row 15A on your fifteen hour flight.  However since I have moved to China and share a room with all three of my sisters, I have found value in these dark eye covers.  They really help me sleep when it is midnight and Rachel is so capture by her book to put it down.  They are actually quote popular here.  In almost any small store you can find them for 10¥ (about a dollar).  Well, after so many nights being forced to wear one in order to sleep they become very comforting.  Even without lights on, street lamps can really put off a glare, so I have become very appreciative of wearing one.  For my Birthday I really wanted a new one. (My old one had been dropped under the my bed to the dusty floor one too many times).  In the picture below you can see me modeling the one Maddie gave me:

Rainy Day

In our city, we rarely get rain. The land has been experiencing a drought for a few years. When we do get a rainy day, it is so refreshing! However, Megan says it’s not as fun as in Texas where she gets to splash in mud puddles. Here the puddles are too contaminated, I won’t mention with what. Maddie and Megan heading to the bus stop on Thursday, our first rainy day in months.


Special Wedding Invitation

We were invited to attend the wedding ceremony of our friends’ daughter. The bride and groom met in Canada while studying there. They returned to China to celebrate their marriage before their families. Here we are pictured with our friends. Also pictured, the bride presenting flowers to her proud grandmother, and Maddie “eyeing” the whole lobster that was served as one of the many main course dishes.


My Garden Party

As a family tradition we always do extravagant decorations for each others’ Birthday.   When I was awakened by my mom on Saturday  morning (my birthday) can you guess what awaited me in the living room?  A garden party!  My siblings made at least a hundred tiny flowers and put them everywhere.  On the dining table was a checkered tablecloth and picnic-like table settings.  Bouquets of colorful flowers brightened the room.  On one of the side tables was a group of potted plants (my Birthday present); they bought me the most adorable soft fern you ever saw, two types of  budding cacti, and a miniature bonsai tree!  I was so surprised!  They could not have picked a better theme for the decor.  I love gardening, and sorely miss the one I enjoyed in my house in Kansas City.  I had a wonderful birthday enjoying all the decorations and plants.  If you also enjoy gardening you can imagine the fun I had re-potting my birthday presents, watering them, and keeping them up the last few days.  This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find two of my plant’s had bloomed.  I was thrilled and thanked God again for the joy I found in His beautiful creation!    
