Our organization cares for people so very well. A one-day seminar, called “Leaving Well,” is offered to those staff who are returning to their home country at the end of each school year. A speaker guides the group through the process of reflecting on their time in China, while also preparing them for re-entry into their native culture.
Families work together to create a poster of memories and future
I joined my friend Tami in helping behind the scenes to bring a special “homey” feel to the day. We arranged the room for cozy seating and ordered flowers, snacks and meals.
Part of the day included a nice catered luncheon, and a time for toasting (sparkling punch) and affirming others. We set tables of six, with full place settings, including water and wine goblets. One interesting tidbit, our school has a fully equipped kitchen, for school kids, but limited resources for setting a nice table. We made due with what we had on hand. I brought in some decorative napkins and table favors, and we used orange, yellow and red tulips. This is the first time that I’ve been able to enjoy setting vases with tulips (my favorite flower). Tulips are not readily available, but we found one of our Chinese staff ladies, who knew where to find them. I wanted a spring time theme for the luncheon. Although I don’t really pride myself in having the gift of decor, I do enjoy setting a lovely table, and I think all who were in attendance felt very special.
Toasting memories of China
Two more friends helping to serve lunch
Looks like an excellent job by everyone–beautiful and warm.
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