We’ve become friends with a Malaysian family from our church and school. We were invited to their home for the Lantern Festival (the last big holiday during Chun Jie – Chinese New Year). The family has two children, Boyie in Maddie’s class and Bo Wen in Jessie’s class. During the evening Bo Wen had prepared a slide show explaining the various traditions celebrated in Asia during Chun Jie. It was really neat to learn more.Our hostess, Mrs. Chin on the left, and one of our English teachers at TIS, Ms. Tan, on the right
One of the customs in Malaysia is to join together as a family around the table to toss this salad made up of smoked salmon, shredded carrots, radishes, cucumber, bacon, dressing, etc. The higher one tosses the more blessing one receives.
Here’s the salad, ready to be tossed
Pouring the Dressing
Tossing the Salad
Rachel and Jessie get a few final tosses before tasting
Jessie and her friends Bo Wen and Zach
Maddie and her friends, Boyie and Hannah
Looks like fun!