wierd named stores

When we first came to China we were told of the two most popular stores near by. They were named E Mart, Good Friend store, and the Best store! E Mart is like a mall it has about 4-5 levels. The basement Is a place where you get mechanical things. The rest of the floors are filled with food, clothes, everyday cleaning stuff, and little stores. My mom goes there to get food and other things like toilet paper. The Good Friend Store is a store with mostly all imported foods from America. This store is a pretty small store. Me and my friend walks there to get candy from America a lot. A walk to the Good Friend Store isn’t more than 2 minutes. The Best Store is a also small store but a little bigger than the Good Friend Store. The Best Store carries all kinds of food. It sells milk, toiletries, ice cream, and much more. Normally we go there to get ice cream or snacks. It took us a while to get used to the wierd names of stores but now we think of them as any normal stores name.
