Chun Jie Oranges

During Chinese New Year (Chun Jie) it is common tradition to take a box of
oranges as gift to the family one is visiting. Thus oranges are for sale all
over the city. Very near our school and apartment is a large wholesale fruit
market. People travel from all over the city in small three wheel trucks, bikes
and other vehicles to purchase fruit that they will then go and sell on the
streets. The kids and I got off the school bus near the fruit market and took
a walk over to see and take pictures.

Semi trucks line up with orange boxes stacked higher and higher

Notice this semi truck below…in the center near the line of boxes colored
lime green, there is a Chinese man sitting among the boxes

Another view of vendors on the street

Another view of the trucks

These vendors are selling oranges along with many other types of fruit

Prayer Requests

01/17/08 English Class Standardized Test – Our students will
be taking a standardized English exam (written, oral, and speaking) on January
17th. They must reach a certain competency level in English in order to study
abroad. Their ambitions are to go to the UK for a Master’s degree this coming
summer, and this standardized test is their last requirement. Please pray for
them in this coming week and especially on the 17th, that their studies would be
focused, that our efforts with them will help allow for a passing grade, and
most importantly, the “seeds” planted will take root for eternity.

01/04/09 Home Group — Should we start a fellowship group in
our home? After being here a while, we are seeing that other “like-minded”
expatriates need fellowship, rest, and spiritual encouragement because their
daily work in schools, orphanages, and other places among the locals can be

12/21/08 Local College Students — ANSWER– We have begun
the English class in our home. We currently have four students coming twice a
week for one-hour sessions, practicing their English. Their names are Wayne,
Sandy, Jessie, and Wendy (all English names given to them by their professors).
Because of the nature of the class, we are able to share about ourselves and
American culture — pray that our conversation is seasoned with truth and grace
that these students would begin to seek the Lord.

Return favor — Chinese Dinner

On Sunday evening our Chinese students returned the favor and invited us to
dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant. In their culture, I believe that they
always feel inclined to return any type of hospitality. Since we had invited
them over for tacos, they wanted to take us out. In most Chinese restaurants
there are private dining rooms that can be requested. The guests of honor must
sit at the place at the table facing the doorway, so they can greet people
coming in. Sean and I were instructed to sit in these seats. The kids
interspersed among the students. First we had some cold dishes, salads, and
meats. One of these dishes included chicken feet!! (we have seen this dish
before) Then the hot dishes came. Most were pretty good, but a couple we had
to just politely taste. The one that sounds the most disgusting is the blood
dish. It was congealed pork blood served with spring onions and spices. Other
dishes were much tastier…chicken and beef with vegetables, shrimp and tofu, a
whole steamed fish, and roasted chicken. The chrysanthemum tea was delicious.
There was also a sweet soup served at the end of the meal.

Megan eats chicken feet!!

Jessie and Maddie sit with Wayne

A group shot in the restaurant