Psalm 16 Eleven Declarations for My Life in China

Declaration #1

In trouble I run to God.

He is my first and only place of refuge.

Declaration #2

The Lord is everything to me.

Nothing else compares.

Nothing else usurps His place.

Declaration #3

I delight in other believers.

Extraordinary believers are my heroes.

Declaration #4

I have no other gods.

I will continually strive to remove the hight places.

Declaration #5

God is my portion, my inheritance.

I don’t care what anyone else gets as I have Him.

Declaration #6

I am pleased and delihted with where God has placed me.

Declaration #7

I embrace God’s discipline and instruction in my life.

Sleepless nights will be my night school.

Declaration #8

Absolutely nothing shalkes me

because the Lord is my constant companion.

Declaration #9

I live joyfully and at peace

because I have an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Declaration #10

I live without fear of calamity or death

because I live in the very presence of God.

This extends to my family.

Declaration #11

My fullest joy

my deepest pleasure

come from my relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Lost Wallet

Maddie, Michael, and I went to the appliance store to meet Sean, who was
buying our new washer and dryer. After that purchase, we went upstairs to
E-Mart (it’s sort of a shopping mall area) to buy some more household goods and
groceries. There are so many decisions to make as you are thinking about
stocking a new home, and all the products labels are written in Chinese. We
were looking for a cutting board, a wok, a coffee thermos, and food storage
containers; just to name a few items… I began to get a little unnervy, as the
Chinese shopping music played on the store’s speakers. We finally made our
purchases and left. We stopped to eat lunch at Paris Baguette, a bakery that
sells breads, doughnuts, sandwiches, cakes and more. I was feeling a little
more relaxed. Next came the taxi ride home. We have to take two taxis, since
only 4 are allowed in one taxi. Sometimes we squeeze all the kids in the back,
if it’s just me and the kids going out alone. So Michael, Maddie and I got in
one taxi with some of our purchases (loaded in the trunk), and Sean and the
others took another taxi. We arrived at the gate to our complex, and I paid
the taxi driver, while Michael and Maddie got the things out of the trunk. The
driver handed me the change and I got out and began to walk towards our
building. I was still holding the change in my hand and something distracted
me. As I regained focus, I began to open my purse to put my change in my
wallet. I discovered that my wallet was not there! I began to panic a little.
I yelled out to Michael, “I think I left my wallet in the seat of the taxi!”
Michael began running back to the spot we got out, but the taxi was long gone.
I tried to stay calm, but realizing my wallet had my driver’s license, credit
cards, etc. I was pretty upset. Just then we were approached by the wife of
another member of our team. I told her what happened and she said, “Let’s
pray.” After a short prayer, we told the guards at the gate my phone number and
asked to give a call if the taxi driver returned. They looked pretty
bewildered, to think that someone would return a lost wallet. All of the
sudden I looked over at Maddie, who was holding a small plastic storage bin that
we purchased at E-Mart. There in the bottom of the bin I saw my wallet!! I
almost began to cry, I was so thankful to the Lord. I believe that He, Himself
placed it there. No other explanation can be given! The plastic bin was in the
trunk of the car, while I was getting my money out of my wallet to pay the taxi
driver! Praise be to Him who watches over His children. It reminds me of the
words to a favorite Psalm:

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the hills —

where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,

the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip —

He who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, He who watches over Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you —

the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day,

nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all harm —

He will watch over your life;

the LORD will watch over your coming and going

both now and forever more.

Moving In

We arrived Tianjin around 3 PM on August 1st. There was a large crowd of
people gathered to meet the bus with greetings and help to move our 21 pieces of
luggage up to the 8th floor apartment. We were so happy to find that we were
blessed with an elevator! We felt so welcomed to our new community.

The first views of our apartment…and stacking up of luggage.

After 24 hours of cars, planes, trams, and buses, we rest…we’re home!