He answered me.

“I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalms 34:4

The Lord answered me: we got notice today that the Board approved our
appointment to teach in China!

“I sought the Lord and He answered
me…” Who am I that He would answer? But He always
answers; it may take months, but there will always be an answer.

And whatever the answer, whether I like the answer or not — how good is He
that “He delivers me from all my fears.” I did have fears.

I was afraid that I would have to go back to my former career field.

I was afraid that I was not good enough to serve the Lord in missions.

I was afraid that this was just a foolish, unrealistic, crazy dream.

The Board had so many reasons to reject our application — I knew acceptance
would only come by the Hand of the Lord.

He answered me.