Unusual Spring-time Picnic

Although we have enjoyed slightly warmer temperatures the past couple of weeks, the air is still not quite warm enough to spend too much time outdoors. Last Friday morning Megan’s preschool had teacher-in-service day. We were invited to go swimming with some of Megan’s friends. In Tianjin, work-out gyms, like Lifetime Fitness do not really exist. Instead, luxury hotels offer memberships to their indoor pools and work-out facilities. Our friends have a pool membership at the downtown Westin Hotel. It was such a treat for Megan to go swim. About the time the girls were ready to head into the locker room to warm up in the hot tub, (they were also a bit cranky), we realized that it was almost lunch time. So we spread out towels and had an indoor picnic of peanut butter sandwiches and granola bars. Pictured in the background, my good friend, Tami, who has been the “kindred” spirit for me as I learn to live life in China.


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