Our school has a field day event in the fall called Skipmylo (Olympics spelled backwards). Students in grades 1 – 8 compete in various competitions from capture the flag, to the long jump, to a water-balloon toss and more. The kids were assigned to mixed teams including all grade levels, for the morning hours, concluding with specific grade level soccer competitions. The morning ends at 11:30 AM with an early dismissal. This year Maddie was the only one of my kids participating, since Jessie has now moved up to high school. She was glad to have a day of fun, and spent the afternoon with some neighborhood friends and a trip to bubble tea. Having a seat after a walk to Bubble Tea
Maddie in the tire rolling competition.
Megan was also glad to have Maddie at home for some play outdoors in the courtyard.Megan plays on outdoor exercise equipment