Sunday afternoon, enjoying the outdoors

Sunday afternoon we ventured out to our courtyard to enjoy the sun and somewhat cooler temperatures.  This past week we’ve seen much more rain than is normal for this time of year, so we were all delighted to see the sun.  The kids brought their sketch books and a soccer ball.  Soon after laying out the blankets and art materials, we looked up to see four little curious Chinese boys approaching us.  They were very enthralled with Rachel and Michael’s art work, and began asking question.  Here is Megan and her new friends


Megan offered the soccer ball, which she had been kicking around, and soon Michael and Rachel joined in the game.   In the courtyard there are large air ducts that blow air ventilation to the parking garage below.  Megan joined the boys as they explored the ducts, finding small snails which are attracted to that area.   She came back with handfuls of little snails.  The boys said that the snails were good to eat.  Suddenly the boys disappeared around the corner, only to come back a few minutes later all standing in the shade of a small umbrella…so cute.Sean snaps a picture from our 8th floor apartment window
