New Beginnings

Michael, throughout my visit to Carnegie Mellon University, I thought of you often. Being the first member of Connecting4 to step out into the world of study and responsibility, your experience at HKU is naturally the image that represents “college” for me. Hence, when I spent time in the US this past week observing current students, eating meals at college canteens & cafes, and discovering each university’s unique academic approach, I subconsciously compared everything I saw to Hong Kong University.

It surprised me when, on several occasions this week, I expressed my disappointment over not being able to attend school with you in HongKong. You see, earlier when I decided against HK for college, it didn’t immediately hit me how many hopes of mine were concentrated there. I don’t really know how to explain it, I guess I just didn’t realize how much I had been looking forward to spending my university experience with you by my side.


Now that I am examining all of these new options in America, I am distressed at the prospect of giving up my dreams and aspirations centered around HK.

This whole process is so new to me, I keep unearthing buried emotions which I didn’t know existed, let alone would affecte me so dramatically!

I want, more than ever, to visit you.

I miss you.


<year one architecture students working on a group project to create a variety of wooden structures>


<year one design students’ work: a project used to encourage recycling>


<ceiling of Carnegie Mellon’s Fine Arts department>


Getting Some Perspective

To my fun loving sister, Maddie: I have really enjoyed the past few days that we have spent together. Ice cream, rockin’ music, the Revolution TV series, house keeping… the list of activities we shared this past week goes on and on. I love how you bring so much freedom and excitement into what we do together (even our failures at home-making have been fun!).

I want to share two desktop wallpapers with you that I made. These wallpapers remind me of this stylish, sweet, energetic girl who would totally have these on her tumblr blog, Tall Buildings. Hope you enjoy them! Love you, Maddie!


Screen Shot 2013-04-22 at 9.40.39 PM

Download the wallpaper size here: Widen Your Gaze, Escape the Beaten Path


With the end of school coming up, there is so much to be done: finals to study for, friends to say goodbye to, and the summer to prepare for!  Also, with Rachel getting ready to head off to college so much is on my mind (I don’t want you to go, Rachel!). I’m sure Michael would also agree things are getting crazy. Right Now he is finishing up his final project before the end of school in about three weeks. In all this craziness, weekends are so precious; they provide so much rest refuge from life. All that to say it’s no surprise that I am so not ready for school tomorrow! Fingers-crossed that this week will go by fast!

Dirty, Dirty Blog Office


A week has passed since the hectic consecutive three week birthday celebrations (Megan’s birthday on March 31, and a week later my birthday on April 6th, then a week later Jessie’s birthday).  Let me tell you, decorations, cake, and presents  three weeks in a row has left us tired, fat and broke!  I’m so very thankful though for Rachel and the Blog Office who were partners in crime (more like partners in success) while planning and preparing for all these birthdays – I ♥ you, Rachel!

All this partying has left a lot of clean up in their wake though! While cleaning up and organising the blog office I was inspired (yes, inspired by cleaning). How could I not be inspired by, what looked like, an explosion of ribbons, paper, glitter, and streamers surrounding me?!  Tidying up was actually a lot of fun, and I’d do again any day. I think we can all agree that reorganising and tidying may be hard business, but it is so refreshing and exciting to step back and see the finished project!



P.S. Stay tuned for birthday party posts!

Rachel, We Miss You!


To my dearest sister who is in America on the search for colleges:
How’s the sweet smell of American air?!  We are so jealous of you  – Grrr… (Not to mention we are missing you like CRAZY!)  With Jessie studying for all the AP exams coming up, I’m so lonely over here. I do hope y0u are having fun though; enjoy every moment you have reuniting with friends and family! …. And Come back soon (*cough* with some goodies *cough*). We’re praying for you!

P.S. I hope you find that dream school you’re looking for (*fingers crossed*).

Photo Source

Counting Stars

To my music-loving brother: I made a delightful discovery on Spotify yesterday that I just had to share with you! The song is called “Counting Stars”, by OneRepublic. I can’t think of a song I enjoyed so much since “Good Time” by Owl City. The song is part of OneRepublic’s new albums named Native, depicted with Native American cover-art. Honestly, I didn’t really like the cover art at first, but it grew on me! It reminds me of Rachel’s “Dream Catcher” pyjamas from Cotton On… This is wonderful conglomeration of Native American Style – and I’m loving it!

OneRepublic’s cover-art reminded me of this a illustrator expedition I made with an owl picture awhile back. It’s not my best work, but I still like the little flourishes I added. The picture was tucked away in a folder, destined never to see the light… So I hope you enjoy it!
Owls I see you-01

Korean Cravings


Having recently moved to a new district in Tianjin, we are now a 10 minute walk from several Korean food restaurants. I love Korean food so much that I can’t help but go once, twice, or even three times a month : ) Korean style complimentary appetizers are a highlight of my meal… you see, shortly after being seated, you are served a variety of taste-testers before the meal *no waiting idly while my stomach growls uncontrollably!* If you’ve never tried Korean food, I highly recommend it, check out a few of my favorite dishes below!

My ultimate favorite dish is 냉면; translated “cold noodles.” Yes, I know it sounds odd but trust me, its “oh-so-yummy!”


double foodkimchi love

Shake it Bom Bom!

To all my food fanatic sisters: Off to meet Bianca today in Admiralty (buzzing hub of business, shopping and food, just one stop from central). I have to say, this place really provokes my weakness for all things over-designed, trendy, and ultra expensive.. On a more positive note about the outing-not only does the restaurant bring a level of nostalgia-I know Simply Life is one of Rachel’s and mom’s favorites in Hong Kong, but also meeting a dear family friend touches that soft spot for my family love.


As I roamed through the racks of lace, neon pinks, and over priced hello kitty dolls, what music was playing, but the very same “Science Fair Theme Song”: Bom Bom by Sam and The Womp! Immediately, I thought of Jessie and Maddie and the crazy nights spent prepping for their third place overall at the China-wide Intel Science Fair. (Great job by the way girls!! So proud of you and ready for some detoxed micro-environments!)

Last night I was also listening to a song that reminded me of you crazy girls-Shake It Out by Florence and The Machine. I remember discussing the lyrics with Rachel and singing it all over the house last time I was in Tianjin.

(Can I just have all of you girls back here in HK for some Simply Life with Bianca and me??)

So I was just thinking.. Any of you up for a challenge? What a better way to connect than singing.. And with our music addictions, I wanted to cover one of these two (or both? Mash up??).