MeMaw What’s Cooking? Blueberry Pie!

Since arriving in Texas I begged my grandmother, MeMaw, to go blueberry picking – something I haven’t done in four years! On our way back from a long shopping trip we spotted a blueberry picking sign on the side of the road and knew… it was time to pick some berries! Upon arriving at the blueberry farm we plucked and munched to our heart’s desire. Rain clouds finally rolled in, forcing us to finish up. We paid for our 20 pounds (about 30 cups) of blueberries and returned home. The following day I succeeded in talking MeMaw into making a blueberry pie with me; this was the first blueberry pie I ever tasted let alone made! And let me tell you, it turned out delicious!

The secret ingredient to a crunchy crust : almonds!

Tartness of blueberries matched with sweet sugar yields the most delicious pies! Tip: when baking pies or crisps, the more tart the fruit, the better the pie… you don’t want those four cups of sugar to overpower the flavor of the fruit.

Summer is a great time for pies, and if you cannot find blueberries: look for peach, strawberry, or even rhubarb; any of these will make a delicious pie!

Another trick: add a layer of granulated sugar directly under the crust, making a delicious blueberry syrup once baked.

Couple your pie with a glass of Southern Sweet Tea or some cool whipped cream.

Watermelon Pink Lemonade

It was 35 degrees (95 degrees Fahrenheit) today, and I needed something to cool me off. This Watermelon Pink Lemonade just what I needed- it’s the perfect remedy for a hot summer day!

(Recipe at end of post.)

The best part of this frosty snack is after you drink the lemonade: eating the watermelon. The fruit will absorb the pink lemonade and you get incredible sweet and sour flavored watermelon cubes.

I’ve found that using chop sticks is an easy way to eat watermelon. This pink set matched so well with the color of the summer cooler.

This drink is perfect for summer BBQs, children’s birthday parties, and even garden party events.

Sunset at 3am

The countless carefree summer evenings, always comfortably residing in the back of our mind.

(nikkithy, instagram)
The artist places focus on the seaside sunset and dark ocean clouds, steering away from pure photography and stepping into the realm of art. The geometric alteration and vintage color scheme transcend a representation of this moment to communicate an emotion.

Here I tried the same technique.

By the way, check out Nikkity’s web store and blog here.

The Learning Process and a T-Shirt

You know, this image isn’t about growing. It isn’t about changing. Nothing too deep.
This is just my attempt to make something better.
The process of refinement.
The voyage toward new possibilities.
Starting with the realization that you always have room to grow, to change, and to think deeper.

A Little Bit of China.

While We were on errands around our neighborhood a few days ago we came across this small vender selling some traditional Chinese Flat Bread. Since so many people were waiting for this toasty snack we figured it must be good. So we “placed” our order, paid about 20¢, and enjoyed this salty treat on our way back home!

Living in China leaves you with so many new experiences, discovering new foods is one of the major adventures I have found while living here. You can buy flat bread, fruit, popcorn, or even Cotten Candy while walking down the road on a nice evening. I have gotten to discover so much from living in China, it is definitely a blessing being able to live in this foreign place.

Time with Friends

I have enjoyed getting to know a new special friend during this spring semester. She and her family moved from Malaysia late last fall. They have three sweet children, one in Maddie’s class and two younger. Our families often get together on Sunday afternoons. Megan enjoys playing with the two younger children, Maddie hangs out with her friend, and Sean and I share life together with Sharon and her husband. Living in China as expatriates can be both challenging and rewarding. The biggest rewards come with forming new relationships.

Resurrected Ideas (But maybe just for these 5 minutes)

I felt a mixture of nostalgia and embarrassment as I went through my middle school sketchbook yesterday.  But in some ways these forgotten ideas and simple sketches have the power of suggestion for the future.


It is powerful to review the old and make revisions.

But it’s also powerful to realize, maybe some things in the past should be left there.

Mom’s Office Friends

As we close a chapter on another school year, there will be some changes in the office at school where mom works. She has been so blessed to co-labor with a Chinese American lady who grew up in Nanjing, China, in very difficult living conditions. In my World History class this semester, Mrs. Kimmel was a guest lecturer for one of my class periods. I learned from her about many sad things that happened in the course of Mrs. Kimmel’s childhood. In God’s great providence, Mrs. Kimmel married an American man and moved to the US in the late 1980’s. She and her husband became Christians, and after 17 years of living in America, felt a calling to return to her homeland of China. She is a remarkable woman of faith and perseverance. Here is a picture of my mom with Mrs. Kimmel, she is the one wearing glasses. Other ladies pictured are Korean liason/translators and our Chinese school Registrar.


Six Piece Style Collection

Reporting from Texas here: I am having a hard time believing that I’m actually back in America again after two years! When I returned I discovered that my grandmother had her cave-of-a-laundry-room transformed into a delightfully styled one! I was so inspired with the style and all the individual pieces that I just had to share some of the pictures!

1. A adorable Spoon Fork painting that my grandmother found at a antique market (antique markets have some serious hidden treasures!)
2. A framed vintage paper doll – one of five framed in her laundry room. Love it!
3. A little wooden desk with a slide up cover
4. (Just had to take a picture of this) Uniquely shaped wooden light switch cover (none of that cheapy plastic stuff!)
5. A little straw hat that was hiding behind the door
6. Old wicker basket