Moving Day

Thank you for your prayers over the last month. Our recent move was the easiest ever, physically, since we had movers to pack, load and unload trucks. Our organization provided this benefit and it was a big blessing to us. They showed up at 8 AM and began to dismantle our home; by 5 pm that day, we were moved in, with bunk beds set up, and furniture in place. Of course we still had lots of shifting and organizing to do.

Here’s some photos of packing and moving…kitchen, girls room and mine and Sean’s room


These guys did a fantastic job. We are so grateful to have had movers.


In the new apartment…Sean’s work begins with hanging our favorite chandelier that has traveled with us from Virginia, to Kansas and now to China.


Geometric Collection | Audrey Hepburn

My latest addition to the Geometric Collection is well known style icon, Audrey Hepburn. The vintage fashion of her outfit and the general cool attitude expressed through this photograph really captures my attention, even at first glance. Her sophisticated elegance must be the reason why this shot is so well known. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I did making it!