Sean has been hinting to me over the past year that he wants Megan to attend Chinese preschool, in order to give her the gift of language immersion. It was a very hard decision for me, but God paved the way by placing some special friends in my path to give encouragement. First, a Chinese neighbor who is also a language teacher at our school. Her daughter is also five years old and attends a local preschool. This friend inquired for us about sending Megan to her daughter’s class. The school was very opened to the idea and welcomed Megan for the month of July. Second, my older kids have been so inspiring to me. They all whole-heartedly agreed that Megan should attend Chinese preschool; and to show her support, Rachel even asked if she could volunteer in the school during the time that Megan attended. Rachel had a goal of language immersion for herself this summer, and this opportunity fit right into God’s plan for her. With such a positive experience this summer, we have decided to continue to send Megan this fall. She may have ups and downs with the decision, since there is a big barrier to her understanding, but I pray that she will learn quickly the vocabulary she needs to enjoy learning and making new friends. Here she is sitting on her little naptime bed. The students have naptime in the afternoon for 2 hours, and school does not end until 5pm.