An Unexpected Surprise

This Friday, Jessie and I began our very first small group! For weeks, we have been planning to host a bible study using Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free.” We worked from 3:30 pm to 6:00 (the time our friends were supposed to come), getting prepared. As an introductory, ice breaker session, Jessie and I decided to decorate prayer journals for a craft. After school anyone watching she and I would have been laughing at our attempts to run/ waddle down the hallway loaded with books and computer cases, trying to buy small notebooks at the student store before the bus left. Thankfully we made it on time and quickly arrived at our home. We then set ourselves to work, cutting appropriate sized paper, and ribbon so that our friends would have everything ready to start sticking! Finally it was 6:00, and Jessie and I said a quick prayer asking for blessings for the night. Our friend from school was the first to arrive and you might be surprised at me saying that she was the last to arrive as well. It ended up that one girl couldn’t come due to having previous engagements, another was sick and the last was hosting a middle school party at the school. However, this did not stop us from having tons of fun together! We talked, cut, pasted, read, ate, drank, prayed and giggled for two hours straight! The Lord blessed us in a way that we didn’t expect by giving us this time alone with a sweet and joyful friend.
