Yesterday my Chinese helper wanted to show me something. She asked Rachel to come over and translate. She pulled out an old spiral notebook that looked sort of familiar. Upon inspecting the front cover I saw that it was Michael’s old World History spiral from 10th grade. She is very industrious and cannot throw away anything. When she found Michael’s old notebook in the trash with lots of blank pages, she salvaged it and began using it as a journal. She proceeded to open it up to show me the accounting of every mao and yuan she spends each day when she shops for me. Chinese mao are like pennies and yuan are sort of like dollars. She keeps dated, detailed record of every expenditure she makes. I was so amazed! Here is a picture of her accounting. I am so blessed to have such a trustworthy lady to help me as I fulfill my role as wife and mom in a foreign country.
So enjoyable to see these things. Thanks Susan.