Mid-Autumn Holiday

During the harvest full moon season the Chinese celebrate with what they call the Mid-Autumn Holiday or Mooncake Festival.  We were happy to have the day off from school, so the girls and I met up with some friends at a nearby park for a picnic lunch.   We were so blessed with a beautiful blue sky day (which we don’t get very often).


That evening we celebrated by eating some mooncakes, which were given to us from our Malaysian and Chinese friends. 


Maddie holding a display box


Various fillings, from red bean paste to dates, to coconut



A man in our neighborhood decided this was a good spot to take a nap.  Guess he was trying to use this box, headed for the adjacent recycle pile, to keep the sun out of his eyes, I don’t think it is working!


Soccer Exchange

First of all I want to apologize for not blogging as much as I should be. Well This Saturday our soccer team had a soccer exchange in Beijing. We played against four different Beijing international schools, we tied 2 games and won 2 games. The tournament turned out much better then I thought it would (I thought we were gonna lose). I had so much fun playing soccer and hanging out with my friends between games. After I got home I was so tired, I went straight to bed. That’s what I call a great way to start the soccer season!


Evidence of Fall Camp meeting

The kids have now completed five weeks of school and things around the Headrick household are getting into a steady groove.  The first quarter of school brings cooler weather and fall camp trips, coming up at the end of September.  Both the high school and middle school go away to separate locations, for team competitions and opportunities to build new friendships.  In the high school two seniors are paired up to lead a group of about 12 – 15 lower classmen.     Today Michael hosted his first team meeting.  Here’s is evidence of a house filled with 12 high schoolers.


Skipmylo fun and an early dismissal

Our school has a field day event in the fall called Skipmylo (Olympics spelled backwards).  Students in grades 1 – 8 compete in various competitions from capture the flag, to the long jump, to a water-balloon toss and more.   The kids were assigned to mixed teams including all grade levels, for the morning hours, concluding with specific grade level soccer competitions.  The morning ends at 11:30 AM with an early dismissal.   This year Maddie was the only one of my kids participating, since Jessie has now moved up to high school.  She was glad to have a day of fun, and spent the afternoon with some neighborhood friends and a trip to bubble tea. Having a seat after a walk to Bubble Tea


Maddie in the tire rolling competition.


Megan was also glad to have Maddie at home for some play outdoors in the courtyard.Megan plays on outdoor exercise equipment


Michael’s 18th Birthday

On September 9th, my little boy, now young man, turned 18. The day was a rather busy one for him and me. I met him at lunch with a chocolate cake to share with friends. After school we departed with a group of upperclassmen to Beijing for a College Fair. Four ivy-league schools were presenting, and students had the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives. Michael’s interest in Columbia University in NYC was the reason for our going. The very next day Michael and his fellow classmates had to prepare for their first big Physics test of the quarter. On the long bus ride home from 9 – 11 pm, I observed faces aglow with laptop screen reflections for those who were furiously studying Physics.


We decided to celebrate Michael’s birthday on the weekend when there was less pressure and more opportunity to enjoy a party. The girls decorated the apartment with a huge number 18 sign. Upon Michael’s request we had dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant called Barwarchi’s.


After dinner we came home and had cake. I made my first ever homemade three layer carrot cake. Yum! Topped with rabbit characters from the kids’ favorite Wii game called Raving Rabids?


Second celebration, the next night after receiving a package from grandmother in Texas which included the number 18 candles. Sisters will miss him next year when he’s away at college
