10K feet above sea level

This day we left Woodies making our way down to the river by way of a switch-back gravel path. At the river, a ferry picked us up and we were carried to the other side.We walked through a countryside village stopping at one house to eat before being picked up by the bus.


We arrived at a mountain (sorry, I can’t ever remember the Chinese names), our goal was to go to the peak (10,000 feet above sea level).


A ski-lift carried us two-by-two up above pristine nature: the strong scent of pine scent in the cool air. We see dots of flowering bushes here and there – and to our amazement we spotted a mountain lion.


At the top were sprawling meadows with Yaks grazing at 10,000 feet.


Another 3hrs to a hostel in LiJiang. We had a devotion, movie.  After we got back to the hostel I played Texas Hold’em with the students till we were too tired to hold our heads up …and finally crashed in our bunks.