A Rainy Saturday in Tianjin

One of the art teachers at school hosted a Ukrainian Easter Egg making day in the school’s art room on Saturday morning.  It was dreary and cold outside, but in the school the warmth of the candles, with special friends brightened our day.The eggs go through a reverse dying process.  Here’s Maddie and her 5th grade teacher, Ms. Hendricks


One uses the special tool which places hot wax on the raw egg (not boiled) then the egg is dipped in a dye. Here’s Jessie with one of the Chinese Teacher Assistants from our school


Rachel works skillfully


Next, use wax again to make more designs and dip again.  So you get layers of colors and the wax protects the colors from blending together.


In the end the egg is held up to the candle to melt off the wax and whoala…you have your finished product.


Ukrainian Easter Eggs, made in China by the skilled hands of Headrick kids


One thought on “A Rainy Saturday in Tianjin

  1. I had fun, Easter eggs are always something to help pick someone up on a rainy day.

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